harrystevens.bsky.social follows

Carlo Zapponi
Carlo Zapponi
data, design and code, coauthor at futbolismo.it, visualize.news and chrt.io - carlo.im
Ian Livingston
Ian Livingston
Extreme weather and climate reporter, Washington Post. Former Brookings foreign policy. #wx #dc #dogs #climatechange #python #gis

Article list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ugk4j0qO0R47uMi8nk7ADwI8-6MzoFBlrYnqeez0RII/edit?usp=sha
Mara Averick
Mara Averick
former 🥑 dev advocate @rstudio, 🏀 hoop head, data-viz lover, gnashgab, blatherskite, #rstats, doggos, and horses
Hello, my name is human

Олексій • Oleksii • オレクシー

Moving bytes and pixels
Roopika Risam
Roopika Risam
Associate Professor in the Digital Humanities and Social Engagement cluster at Dartmouth, formerly of Salem State, reluctant cat lady, novice fly fisherperson, horse girl, she/her
By day: Tabulating Chronographer and Amicus of the Seelie Court.

By night: Joymonger and Purveyor of Hand-Dipped Artisanal Whimsy.
David Mimno
David Mimno
He teaches information science at Cornell
Stephanie Tuerk
Stephanie Tuerk
I design and develop interfaces for data at @MathematicaNow. Past lives in arch/history of arch. Generally interested in: ∩ of data, language, and image; history of most things; frontend dev; learning; dad jokes.
Alark Joshi
Alark Joshi
Professor of Computer Science at the University of San Francisco with a focus on equitable teaching. Data Visualization research interests - visualization literacy, mobile data visualization.

web: https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~apjoshi/
Jason Heppler
Jason Heppler
Historian, North American West + Great Plains
Senior developer @ rrchnm.org

jasonheppler.org · Nebraska homesteader · working on a history of the Sagebrush Rebellion
David Marx
David Marx
I make bleeding edge generative AI research accessible via tools for creatives. Consider me a public resource.
xStabilityai | xMSFT | xAMZN
MS Math/Stats, BA Philosophy
Hannah Alpert-Abrams
Hannah Alpert-Abrams
labor, humanities, higher education, & copying machines.

AFGE Local 3403 VP

tennessee based | tsalagi and tsoyaha lands
Kev Flerlage
Kev Flerlage
Tableau Evangelist/Data Visualization Consultant at Moxy Analytics | 4X Tableau Visionary | 5X Tableau Public Ambassador | One Half of the Flerlage Twins
Matthew Kay
Matthew Kay
Assoc Prof Computer Science and Communication Studies at Northwestern. Infovis, HCI. Author of tidybayes & ggdist R pkgs. he/him. 🏳️‍🌈 https://mjskay.com/

Co-director https://mucollective.northwestern.edu

Co-founder https://journalovi.org
Kenneth Field
Kenneth Field
Cartography is my passion & profession. Author of CARTOGRAPHY. & THEMATIC MAPPING. Maps+drums+beer+snowboards+footy+politics+sarcasm. 🇬🇧 in 🇺🇸 Views mine. links.esri.com/mappyhour
Elijah Meeks
Elijah Meeks
Principal Engineer at Confluent. Ex-Noteable, Apple, Netflix, Stanford. I write sometimes and talk too much.
Allison Horst
Allison Horst
Data Scientist Advocate at Observable. Data science | education | art. www.allisonhorst.com
Daniel Simons
Daniel Simons
Cognitive psychologist, co-author of NOBODY'S FOOL and THE INVISIBLE GORILLA. Fond of wearing gorilla suits in public.
Eytan Adar
Eytan Adar
Michigan faculty, http://www.cond.org
a.k.a. boB Rudis • 🇺🇦 Pampa • Don't look at me…I do what he does—just slower. #rstats #javascript #datascience avuncular•👨‍🍳•✝️• 💤• Varaforseti í Gögn Vísindi @ @GreyNoise-Intelligence
danah boyd
danah boyd
Researcher who likes to look at things sideways. Microsoft Research, Georgetown.
Steve Haroz
Steve Haroz
Visual perception and cognitive neuroscience scientist

My site: http://steveharoz.com
R guide: https://r-guide.steveharoz.com
StatCheck Simple: http://statcheck.steveharoz.com
Carlos Scheidegger
Carlos Scheidegger
Principal Engineer at Posit (fka RStudio), building quarto.org
Official Bluesky account (check domain👆)

Follow for updates and announcements
Lynn Cherny
Lynn Cherny
Into creative AI, NLP, data science, narrative, games, sf & f. Newsletter arnicas.substack.com.
Carl T. Bergstrom
Carl T. Bergstrom
Biology professor at the University of Washington.

I study how information flows in biology, science, and society.

I wrote a book: *Calling Bullshit*: http://tinyurl.com/fdcuvd7b

I love ravens and crows: https://tinyurl.com/mr2n5ymk

Matt Levine
Matt Levine
the money stuff guy
Kyle Kelley
Kyle Kelley
Wharf Labs 🧪 Santa Cruz City Schools Board 🏫 LLM Notebooker 📘
Martin Wattenberg
Martin Wattenberg
Human/AI interaction. ML interpretability. Visualization as design, science, art. Professor at Harvard, and part-time at Google's People+AI Research initiative.
Maximilian Schich
Maximilian Schich
ERA Chair for Cultural Data Analytics at Tallinn University

"My PhD is in Art History" – Dr. Zoidberg
Alexander Lex
Alexander Lex
Data visualization researcher. Associate Prof of CS at the University of Utah. Lab website: https://vdl.sci.utah.edu. Co-founder of
datavisyn: https://datavisyn.io
Randall Munroe
Randall Munroe
The Washington Post
The Washington Post
Democracy Skies in Blueness
J. Emory Parker 🏳️‍🌈
J. Emory Parker 🏳️‍🌈
Pulitzer prize winning editor and news developer. Now: Data Project Manager at @statnews
✉️ [email protected] 📸 jemoryparker 🐘 @[email protected]
Product + Engineering in media to support journalism. Immigrant in Brooklyn. Possibly stealing your jobs. No Irish accent. He/Him.
Ben Jones
Ben Jones
CEO of Data Literacy, author of Leading in the Age of Data
Alberto Cairo
Alberto Cairo
Designer, journalist, and professor.
Author of 'The Art of Insight' (2023) 'How Charts Lie' (2019), 'The Truthful Art' (2016), and 'The Functional Art' (2012).
Blog: www.thefunctionalart.com Website: www.albertocairo.com
Neil Richards
Neil Richards
Dataviz author and current five-time Tableau Visionary.
Data Fluency @JLL
Jo Wood
Jo Wood
Professor of Visual Analytics who does datavis, visualization storytelling and natural travel. Did I mention visualization?
Bibliophile. The history of writing and of the global book - across ALL cultures - from antiquity to the present day: from the earliest cave painting to cuneiform tablet to papyrus scroll to manuscript codex to woodblock & movable-type printing to Kindle.
Moritz Stefaner / Truth & Beauty
Moritz Stefaner / Truth & Beauty
Crafting data experiences at http://truth-and-beauty.net
Florian Jungnikl-Gossy
Florian Jungnikl-Gossy
medienmensch beim falter, kein journalist. @falter_at
Jan Willem Tulp
Jan Willem Tulp
Data experience designer @ TULP interactive
Alli Torban
Alli Torban
Author of Chart Spark 📊⚡️ Information Designer and Senior Data Literacy Advocate 🎙 host Data Viz Today podcast

📕 https://chartsparkbook.com
Andy Cotgreave
Andy Cotgreave
Tableau evangelist + data communicator.
Newsletter: http://tabsoft.co/sweetspot
Book: http://bigbookofdashboards.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/acotgreave/
Florian Windhager
Florian Windhager
postdigital alltoohumanist
Lane Harrison
Lane Harrison
Assoc Prof Computer Science at WPI, director VIEWlab — we study data visualization
Danyel Fisher
Danyel Fisher
Data visualization; user experience with data analysis; general joyful data nerdery
Alex Kale
Alex Kale
Assistant Prof of Computer Science and Data Science at UChicago. Research on visualization, HCI, statistics, data cognition. Moonlighting as a musician 🎺 https://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~kalea/
Andrew McNutt
Andrew McNutt
Post Doc at UW
Incoming professor at University of Utah
Data Vibe-rationist + Generative Art Enthusiast + Programming Interface Enjoyer