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a.k.a. boB Rudis • 🇺🇦 Pampa • Don't look at me…I do what he does—just slower. #rstats #javascript #datascience avuncular•👨‍🍳•✝️• 💤• Varaforseti í Gögn Vísindi @ @GreyNoise-Intelligence
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Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
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Happy #primeweek! I just want to let y’all know that the Amazon shipping warehouse where my husband works is denying workers fans during a nationally recognized heat emergency and everything you order during time week places workers’ lives at risk.
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Made it to Salzburg for #useR2024 ! 🇦🇹 🏴‍☠️ Couldn't be more excited for my Keynote talk on Tues: 💫"Keep R Weird" 🤪 Come for the hexagon pantsuit, stay for the rant about non-standard eval. (🦭and watch for how to grab dins and some data.table swag after! )
useR! 2024: Keynote: Keep R Weird - Dr. Kelly View more about this event at useR! 2024
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Bonus Drop #52 (2024-07-07): Knowledge Drop Today's Knowledge Drop is a first attempt at helping me avoid doomscrolling by using AI to summarize missed socmed content. Perplexity successfully generates accurate summaries; and local LLM/GPT Gemma v2 27b also provides fast summarization (on […]
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The Gemma 2 llamafiles are *blazing* fast on apple silicon (even M1). It's not doing a bad job with my social media "what did I miss?" topic summarizer project. (It’s still easier to just use Perplexity as it deals with all the chunking/context machinations).
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Now I kind of want to look at all the robots.txt files for each of the big LLM/GPT players after seeing how hypocritical ChatGPT's is:
#RStats (et al.) folks shld def think twice before scraping Reddit in the future. This is a pretty draconian robots.txt: (et al.) folks shld def think twice before scraping Reddit in the future. This is a pretty draconian robots.txt: 1/3
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What would you say if you saw it in another country?
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
Since we don't "watch TV", I'm never gonna know if some local weatherperson on some CATV weather segment used the phrase “That storm is really *Beryling down* On Texas!".
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I need to write the whole piece about this, but the thing to understand is that the NYT is now just Facebook. The platform dictates narrative to normies, is totally gamed by the right, and is still so ubiquitous as to be unavoidable even by those who see how broken it is. It's just Facebook.
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Drop #493 (2024-07-05): Fresh Friday Today's Drop takes a quick look at the recent POSIX.1-2024 Standard, showcases the new digs for Mozilla's HTTP Observatory, and covers Portier — a self-hostable, password-less login service that intermediates between websites and authentication providers […]
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The election-before-and-after Sankey is arguably the best Sankey, its most natural habitat, like a perfectly-fitting glove. This one made by Narottam Medhora at The Times (💰
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Washington Post has more on the story first in Politico the other day about the clashes between the Christian right and the Trump campaign/RNC on platform drafting. It's getting heated, but what will it amount to? 🧵1/x
Tempers flare as Trump team revises abortion plank for Republican The former president wants the platform to endorse leaving the issue to the states rather than a federal ban in the wake of Roe v. Wade’s demise.
Perplexity is now "showing the work" even more than it has been, of late. This includes the *Python scripts* it writes to accomplish the more complex tasks. This is going into a new "Morning Briefing" pplx collection.
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I wld like someone to write an original novel based on "Outside the Wire" (Netflix/2021 movie) using the broad strokes of the movie, but with far more nuanced original content. It's a good cautionary tale. Mackie's acting/directing is respectable. But, I think a good novel could add tons more […]
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It’s odd having July 4 be a day of mourning for 🇺🇸, vs even faux celebrating.
As I continue to play with X-CMD (dailydrop.hrbrmstr.d...) I decided to try something after manually reviewing the feed from overnight. So I did: ``` $ madonctl timeline -k 150 -o plain | @o ``` and used the attached prompt and got the attached output. Ollama did not do a bad job at all. 1/2
Drop #490 (2024-07-01): Today’s Drop features X-CMD: a versatile POSIX script framework for CLI enhancement, supporting over 500 open-source tools, language runtimes, and AI/LLM services. It offers themes, navigatio…
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Advocate for stricter immigration controls against the English.
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If you need this, you'll know it: tips and instructions for securing your phone from an abusive parter.
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I'm infosec and I'm sure glad I have unfollowed and ignored "SwiftOnSecurity" since 2019.
The people that are really really mad someone’s not voting for Biden right now are the people most likely to enact political violence against them no matter who wins the election
Random note that the increasing use of "That's not great, Bob.” in posts and podcasts is — at times — quite unnerving. I know it's from Mad Men but the phrase causes me to triple check all my privacy blocker tech/settings.
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Just 2 places remain for next week's masterclass training in London. Come join, come learn, come have fun, and let's master this subject together.
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Data folks, check out Nicola’s talk!
The recording of my virtual useR talk is now available online! I'm talking about how to "Stop making spaghetti (code)"! YouTube: #RStats #useR2024
Stop Making Spaghetti (Code) - Nicola With an increasing number of academic journals requiring authors to submit code, an increasing number of PhD students developing R packages, and more open source packages requiring maintenance, the list of R programming skills required of new quantitative PhD students is ever growing. Many of these PhD students don’t have backgrounds in computer science, but find themselves writing code and developing software on a daily basis. They don’t always have supervisors with backgrounds in computer science either. So how do we help students go from writing spaghetti code, to working with good software development practices? In this talk, I’ll outline what training is currently offered to PhD students, gaps that have been identified (often by students themselves), and a suggestion of how we can better prepare PhD students for quantitative research so that none of them say “If I knew then what I know now, I would have done things entirely differently.” Nicola Rennie, Lecturer in Health Data Science Nicola Rennie is a Lecturer in Health Data Science based within the Centre for Health Informatics, Computing, and Statistics at Lancaster Medical School. Her research interests include applications of statistics and machine learning to healthcare and medicine, communicating data through visualisation, and understanding how we teach statistical concepts. Nicola can often be found at data science meetups, presenting at conferences, and is the R-Ladies Lancaster chapter organiser.
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Woohoo! I'll drop by but may mainly lurk. Working on finishing article about Bluesky for School Library Journal. Thanks to all who boosted/helped me w/recent tech question, esp
#kidlitchat tonight! I made a starter pack to find and follow some of the regulars! Join the conversation
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To Bluesky techies who know how to explain things in layman terms: I've been asked to clarify some of the terms I used, so would VERY much appreciate advice. I'm trying to find a way to explain Bluesky's stackable approach to moderation in 1-2 sentences (to include this info in my SLJ article). 🧵👇🏼
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Drop #491 (2024-07-02): Typography Tuesday Today's typography-centric edition of the Drop covers The Readability Consortium, Hoefler & Co.'s "Proofs" project, and features a fancy, free collection of hand-drawn fonts.
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Ended up doing breakfast out today with @marybethR. Between the abundant contrast ratio failures and HORRENDOUS kerning, I almost walked out of the restaurant w/o ordering anything. If I'm elected President, those who committed these heinous crimes will meet the guillotine face up.