Hayden Donnell

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Hayden Donnell


New Zealand's foremost authority on the Big Fresh Animatronic Fruit & Veggies

📍Te Papa
Alt-right mass shooter: look, he's directly copied his manifesto from the YouTube channels of six prominent commentators Guy shoots at Trump: it is obvious this man was inspired by, ah, someone shooting a bug gun at a doll on New Zealand television 18 months ago
Remember when Kathleen Stock got a sympathetic hour-long interview with Kim Hill on RNZ? Good times. Anyway here she is offering unqualified support to a writer who was just revealed to be - in the words of her own texts submitted in court - "definitely a Nazi"
It turns out the problem with the cancer drugs was that National didn't know about Pharmac so I've suggested a few other existing processes and pieces of legislation the government could also look into. Nobody can suggest I'm not helpful thespinoff.co.nz/politics/02-...
The government has discovered Pharmac. What should it find next?thespinoff.co.nz Solutions to all kinds of pressing problems could be hiding in plain sight.
Reposted byAvatar Hayden Donnell
really interesting situation developing where almost every week the same minister has to come out and justify a new almost parodically Dickensian crackdown on something you never expected like "poor people eating soup"
If I remember right from high school, suffering a steering failure and crashing into the verge was a classic thing to do with a Toyota Corolla so if you think about it this is just Kiwirail following instructions
Briefly pausing my clownish behaviour and general buffoonery to share this feature I wrote on punishment, which I first pitched years ago but has become, ah, more relevant as time has gone on www.webworm.co/p/punishment
The Futility of Punishmentwww.webworm.co We know hurting people doesn’t actually fix anything. We do it anyway.
wondering if the government might be rethinking its commitment to Scrutiny Week
Can't believe a libertarian would tweet this using internet and telecommunications infrastructure established by the government, smdh hypocrisy everywhere
Auckland’s housing market has been struck by a disastrous plague of affordability, to the point that some buyers might even be *pauses to retch violently* getting bargains
Feel like Christians used to have the most unhinged stag dos. I went to one once where they just abducted a guy from a family picnic. Another where they tied the groom down and had a dog eat peanut butter off his thighs. Did you attend one of these? Please DM me for Webworm
Can understand how it would be a tempting option but it's still not the personalised plate I would've picked for my dog grooming business
Finally got a chance to play with the resolution of the photos I captured of the #aurora from our Taupō accommodation. Amazing how the camera captures stuff that's not necessarily visible to the naked eye
pleased to announce I have been commissioned by the government to carry out an independent review into whether we should get the Big Fresh Animatronic Fruit and Veggies into Te Papa
I'm not going to say Bill English is *unqualified* to do this review, but it seems to me to be a farcical stretching of the word "independent" to describe a review by the immediate former National PM, commissioned by the current National government, as "independent".
I'm concerned about crime in my neighbourhood but against building any new housing in my neighbourhood. The problems are bad but their causes... their causes are very good
heading out to the shops to pick up anxiety medication and a large bag of coffee beans
*Politician about to reject decades of evidence on transport or housing in favour of received wisdom and vibes*: My opponents are too ideological
Reposted byAvatar Hayden Donnell
"As we’ve done its PR around the globe, the kiwi has been sabotaging our society from the inside. But, as Jones solemnly notes, the kiwi has co-conspirators... the multicoloured skink; the blind frog Freddy." @haydendonnell.bsky.social dishes the dirt on a bad bird: thespinoff.co.nz/politics/06-...
At last! The kiwi is getting its comeuppancethespinoff.co.nz The national bird has caused a national economic crisis that only the National coalition government can fix.
not sure I've seen a politician employ "things are only bad right now because we're enacting our policies" as a messaging strategy before. It's a bold play and I'm keen to see how it goes
Reality Check Radio now: please donate to us, we have somehow run out of money due to the economy Reality Check Radio a few months ago: a good investment move for us is to hire a plane to tow our ads around in the sky
Why did the Massey University journalism school delete this poignant and evocative tweet
Reposted byAvatar Hayden Donnell
"Could I carve my own Mt Rushmore-style depiction of the two ministers responsible for the bill into one of the Southern Alps? Yes, so long as I picked one that wasn’t in a national park." Excellent analysis of the proposed fast-track bill by @rebekahwhite.bsky.social www.nzgeo.com/stories/good...
Goodbye, environmental laws! We're in our construction era now | New Zealand Geographicwww.nzgeo.com Goodbye, environmental laws! We're in our construction era now
ah well you'd have to say this isn't off to the ideal start
This Webworm post is kind of a meta experiment in whether I can sneak something on why bosses are buffoons past my buffoon boss without him noticing, but it also contains some #analysis on what I believe may have been a tactical error by the media in recent decades www.webworm.co/p/buffoons
Chris Luxon keeps giving people ammo to use in financial negotiations against him. First the tenants of the houses he owns mortgage-free and now the police union
The Herald has come up with an innovative way to make its audience care about crimes that aren't committed by impoverished youths
On the downside much of the New Zealand media is dying, putting our country's stability and sense of shared reality in jeapardy, but on the bright side soon Mediawatch will just be me and Colin taking turns to provide half an hour of excoriating commentary on each other's foibles
Felt compelled to stand up for our poor oppressed motorists, who are set to suffer under our new set of transport priorities thespinoff.co.nz/politics/06-...