
new from me: So...if the 'N-word tape' really exists, we really do deserve to see it. I unpack the various ways that might happen — with a clear understanding that it would both be very difficult to pry loose and why it's still worth trying
Opinion | The rumored Trump 'N-word' tape could be an 'Access Hollywood' scandal A new essay from a former producer says there's video of Donald Trump saying the N-word during the show's first season.
Pretty sure his supporters won't be put off by the "n-word"
I’m more interested in the people who aren’t MAGA diehards but considering voting for him in this case
The captains of finance seem to be lining up again
They’d say it’s fake, AI or whatever. And that any corroborating witness like Omarosa is lying because she hates Trump.
Like “Grab ‘em by the pussy” was important to see. We need the cultural dialogue. It clearly isn’t necessarily going to move the electorate needle, because people still supporting him are gonna continue no matter what. But the rest of us need to know that we’re not alone, and our voices matter too.
doesn't the article essentially describe the first season of the apprentice as a 'game show' because it has a prize? Not a lawyer here, but couldn't Jackson essentially sue because even though he was exceptionally qualified, he had no chance of winning and therefore, not a real game show?
i mention that in my piece, but traditionally lawsuits from reality show contestants alleging racism have gone down in flames
Right. But there's usually isn't a "person making decisions eliminated me on a racist basis in front of multiple identified deposable people" going on. And that's ignoring it was almost certainly preserved on tape to show producers didn't influence Trump. Jackson would seem to have a case, I think
i was having the same thoughts. tho i wonder if too much time was passed. at any rate, if he did sue he could conceivably subpoena the tapes
Just like the pee tape, the most damning thing about a tape of Trump using racial slurs isn't that it exists, but that no one could credibly say it doesn't. Even his supporters couldn't say "why that doesn't sound like something Donald Trump would do!" with a straight face.
I recall reading a while back that Trump made fun of people without college degrees on the Apprentice. I sadly think that would be the bigger blow against Trump supporters. They're all racists or happy to ignore the racism as long as Trump gives them what they want.
Truly this "person" is not fit to hold a burrito, much less office. But I'm wondering kinda, wtf? "Grab 'em by the pussy" is ok but I draw the line at racism? I'm still outraged. Also, the world is so much more racist that wyt ppl think. By orders of magnitude.
You think he could stick with saying it’s AI?
Is this alleged tape different from the one Mark Burnett described?