
my dad set up parental controls on the family computer that made it harder for me to play play-by-post dnd games on forums, so an older kid in the dnd group walked me through making and using an ubuntu live CD to get around them. today I work in IT. thanks Justin, whenever you are
I was maybe 12, he was probably 15. same guy also told me about Firefox when he heard I was using IE6
Avatar you're saying that if I want my kids to have a lucrative job in IT, I should block just enough of the internet for them to get annoyed enough to learn to code, but not so much that they can't get the resources for coding.
Probably not the same Justin, but i handed out live cds and Linux advice like candy in a looooot of 200xs forums. On the other Justin’s behalf, you’re welcome.
similar story getting into IT, friends from IRC taught me what parts and things were needed to put together a PC & i got to at 14, then i got to play with dual boot & linux. i’m in networking now.
remember buying slackware with the book, didn’t have the right 56k modem to work with linux, tho
And, indirectly, thanks to Dad? 😆
Not computer related, but my parents took away my DND books until I was 18 to protect me from them. Now I teach adolescent development, play ttrpgs as my primary hobby, and make content about ttrpgs as a secondary hobby. So, talk about your all-time backfires...
This is a canonical IT career path. (Pun intended)
This story made my day 🫡♥️
Brilliant. The ultimate stealth.