Hels Babs

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Hels Babs


Inverness Dweller
Nature Lover
Bird Liker
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4 of us at my dad’s funeral. While they demonstrated their contempt for the people and country, by not adhering to the law, and not being professional, in any way.
detective: where were you on the night of— me: in bed detective: I didn’t say which night me: doesn’t matter detective: I didn’t say what time me: *looking him square in the eye* it doesn’t matter
Kitten spam! Lenker being a massive cute sleeping thing yesterday. As opposed to being a hunter, claw-er, nibbler 🥰 #kittens #nibblers #catsofbluesky
😂 bless those butch mens
This is a bar for only the most straight heterosexual men. Cowboys, Construction workers, Cops, Leather Bound Bikers, Firefighters, Wrestlers, and Sailors. No girl stuff. Just sweaty heterosexual men being sweaty & heterosexual & male with each other. No femmes. All He/him. Males for males. M4M.
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A woman has just hurled a pint of beer over Farage as he left his local Wetherspoons. No pictures yet!
Behold! Small kitten exhausted from running around and around living room at 11pm! #kittens
Oh happy daaaaaayyyyy 🎊 Morning on Dores Beach. Trump has been convicted of a crime. Tories will be out soon 🎊 #Scotland #Dores
I love a windswept beach. Moray Coast, Scotland, summer 😄 #beaches #scottishsummer #haar
Arrggghhh. Ban them. Though this ain't going to happen is it? All car adverts now are, by default, SUVs. So depressing!
A full ONE FIFTH of growth in emissions last year came from bloody SUVs. They account for a quarter of growth in oil demand. Luxury road tanks need to be regulated out of existence, but climate policies keep dancing around them (or encouraging them!!!!!!) www.iea.org/commentaries...
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Bid to criminalise water companies that don’t tackle sewage spills fails Rejected proposal comes on day report shows 10 million litres of sewage was dumped into water at Lake District Tory MPs voted against & Labour members abstained Heaven help us www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home...
Bid to criminalise water companies that don’t tackle sewage spills failswww.independent.co.uk Rejected proposal comes on same day report shows 10 million litres of sewage were dumped into water at Lake District
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you can't get more right than this RIP 👑
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He changed music AND posted this like 24 hours before he left Earth. Legend is too weak a word
The Rolling Stones lips but it's a butthole. Do they still sue people? I have an idea.
Super-kitty! New kitten Lenker in the hoooooouse 🥰😇
Spot The Newt (in a puddle) 🐊
Who'd a thought the people angry and trying to sabotage this new bill are the very people that prompted its creation 🤔 😄 www.theguardian.com/society/2024...
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READ: “3,337 Parisians were equipped with GPS trackers to record their journeys…for journeys from the outskirts of Paris to the center, the number of cyclists now far exceeds the number of motorists, a huge change from just 5 years ago.” Evidence of leadership. www.forbes.com/sites/carlto...
French Revolution: Cyclists Now Outnumber Motorists In Pariswww.forbes.com Official measurements have found that Paris is rapidly becoming a city of cyclists.
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My fav photo of me
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Lee Anderson, influencer. (From this week's Economist "Blighty" email.)
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This is brilliant. And so totally nails it.
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I went for a walk around the back of my Somerset village yesterday evening, hoping to see Yellowhammers... I got lucky! 😍😀🐦 linktr.ee/carlbovis
Objections from landowners (shock), farmers and crofters mean the loudest people get to dictate what happens. As confirmed in this article :(. www.inverness-courier.co.uk/news/plug-pu...
G'wan Glen Affric and Loch Ness! This area should be the next National Park in Scotland!! Stunningly beautiful land 💚💥https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/27/glens-lochs-and-isles-battle-to-be-scotlands-next-national-park
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The thing about Joe Biden being an elderly man with a poor memory is that his likely opponent is an elderly man with a poor memory who has been indicted for 91 felonies and found liable for rape