Brandi Lyn

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Brandi Lyn

I write words. Sometimes good ones, but mostly I write words that need endless revisions. I draw stuff. Posting about autism, art, reading, and writing. She/her.
I read a book I wrote 4 years ago. I'd shelved the first draft, thinking it unsalvageable. Turns out, it's actually pretty darned good and I'm going to write a second draft! Maybe I'm better at this writing thing than I thought. #AmWriting
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I’ve said this for the longest time, We Don’t Need a Cure for Autism, we want to be accepted and included fairly in society. But what we need is a cure for ignorance in this society. #actuallyautistic #autismacceptance #neurodiversity #neurodivergentrights
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Long shot but anyone in Montreal got reccs for ADHD assessment? I have a couple of leads but nothing concrete.
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i want to share something with everyone that i have kept hidden for a while. a few years ago, i found an INCREDIBLE repository of star trek images. candids. a whole bunch of AMAZING shit like this. the guy hosting it eventually took it down bc of cost. 1/2
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Thesis: ADHD is a disability. Antithesis: It's only defined as disability because of our current social order. Synthesis: All disabilities are socially defined. That doesn't make them less real. It shows us that individual treatment is necessary because we lack the will for systemic change.
here's a thought: capitalism is fucking us all over *and* ADHD is real try that one on for size!
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Did I think my young autistic son was enjoying ABA therapy at the time? Yes, I did. Did I understand, as a non-autistic person, how to know whether ABA was harming or helping him? No, I did not. Parents of newly diagnosed autistic kids, please listen to autistic adults—especially ABA survivors.
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There’s the old saying: Don’t wrestle with a pig; you just get dirty—and the pig likes it.
(reading the news) Hey, you know, when a partisan hack says something that’s clearly idiotic trolling, you actually don’t have to take them seriously and give them a real answer.
Yes! How many geniuses have been overlooked and unable to succeed because they didn't have the financial means to pursue their goals? Worldwide.
Let's dispel a myth: Universal Basic Income isn't about funding idleness; it's about funding potential. We can have a world where every mind has the means to chase their bliss. That's not simple charity; that's an investment in human capital at its finest. Imagine more Einsteins. And da Vincis!
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Just finished reading Iron Widow and WOW! If it's on your TBR, do yourself a favor and read it.
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Whenever people say “Autistic People Can’t Have Emotions or Empathy” it makes me Upset because what Neurotypicals need to understand is that we do have empathy and show emotion too. Don’t Let any Neurotypical say that we can’t show or feel any emotion. #actuallyautistic #AutismAcceptanceMonth
I like spoon theory, but I do not really "get" the metaphor. I prefer bandwidth. Like, everything takes a bit of bandwidth, from ambient noise, to social interaction, and daily routines. If my bandwidth gets too low, I shut down. If I keep pushing, meltdown. #ActuallyAutistic
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My Cowboy sent this to me & I felt seen:
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Everything I learned about local history was European colonialist history. Indigenous history simply didn't exist in the curriculum. The genocide was completely glossed over in favor of regaling us with tales of FrancoAnglo pissing contests.
This is also a profoundly Canadian way to perpetuate genocide. We mislead, we bury, we obscure, and we try to convince everyone to forget. There is a polite code of silence that we use to sell our global image a peacekeepers when what we really are is complacent.
I've been losing the struggle a lot lately too.
The ADHDaily struggle. (I am not winning lately)
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#AutismAwarenessMonth #AutisticAcceptance #Neurodiversity #AutisticAcceptanceMonth “[S]ocial difficulties between autistic and nonautistic people may be due to a mismatch in social norms leading to difficulty for both people, not just the autistic person.”
For me, it helps me to understand how you're feeling if I can remember a similar (never the exact same) moment from my life and how I felt. Then I can extrapolate how you might feel based on the memory and severity difference. I'm really not trying to steal focus. Just trying to understand.
I drew a Stimmy Kitty comic to describe what empathy Is like for me as an Autistic person. #kidlitart #ActuallyAutistic
Michael Rappaport was my favorite part of Fallout. Funniest moment.for me for sure.
Just been reminded that the french for ADHD is TDAH and I'm delighted all over again
Wanna see awesome Pokemon art? Check out
I comment a lot but could use a bit more reposting for sure.
Felt this. I don't..
I'm too autistic for this version of geopolitics where a country "had to" fire missiles to "save face", except everyone knew all along they were going to fail and the attackers warned people ahead of time knowing this?? What in the neurotypical hell...
Here's a thought to simmer on your mental stovetop: Unconditional Basic Income isn't just about putting money in more pockets and security in more souls. It's about acknowledging that our greatest resource isn't gold, oil, or data—it's human potential. Unleashing that? Priceless.
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Article from Inverse like "Amazon just quietly released this great new sci-fi series." It was Fallout. Has the writer of that article been living under a rock? Quietly my ass.