
Everyone else is sharing how this intersects w their interests so: The reason suburban moms, yogis, hippie seekers go antivax>qanon is that the basic axis of modern life is not sci/rel or rationalism/emotionality or authoritarianism/democracy. It’s anti-institutionalism exploited by authoritarians.
This passage from Claudine Gay's NY Times op-ed is critical. The very same people who have gone after her, are the same people who went after New College in Florida, who've funded attacks on public health institutions, who have taken up the term "fake news." 1/
Which, if you’re keeping track at home, is why Resistance posters are both the primary audience of institutional media and completely unable to lean in to meaningful lefty policy demands that, actually, most of them think are pretty good ideas.
It's tough most people don't actually want to rage against the machine&when they finally want to. The dumbest fucking alex jones level thing is what they cling to. Also it's worth pointing out most of the j6 organizers & average insurrectionist where small business owners or people of similar means