Hobbit Took

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Hobbit Took


Refugee from (X)Twitter. Came to Bluesky on the pending demise of Post.News. Let's use the Power of Social Media. Lifelong Democrat. #BlueWave #Resistor since 2015.
Hey, J.D. Vance. I predict you are going to get tired there, next to Trumfp, being required to constantly stoke his ego with "praise."
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"...like a mosquito whizzed past my ear..." Why is tfg wearing a tampon on his ear for his nick ?
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Here’s the way I see it: If Senator Bob Menendez can be convicted of accepting hundreds of thousands in bribes, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas can be convicted of accepting hundreds of thousands in bribes. — Let’s fucking go already, this isn’t rocket science.
GOP Convention: lots of white people shown on camera crowd shots.
The US justice system and the People need to resist and contest the SCOTUS immunity decision.
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Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
If Trumfp wasn't hurt and played golf today let's go back to opposing everything he says and stands for, which didn't change.
Reposted byAvatar Hobbit Took
There's video of TFG saying it. “And Heritage does such an incredible job at that. This is a great group, & they’re going to lay the groundwork & detailed plans for exactly what our movement will do & what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America."
‘Exactly What Our Movement Will Do’: Unearthed Clip Shows Trump Endorsing Work on Project 2025 — He Now Claims He Knows Nothing Aboutwww.mediaite.com "This is a great group, and they're going to lay the groundwork and detailed plans for exactly what our movement will do"
Advice for Dem political strategists going forward. Pointing out how horrible Trump doesn't seem to have gas. Instead, point negatives for individuals & groups living under Project 2025 rules. In detail, not high level statements. Lots of messages
I did not have "the staggering electricity demands of Data center boom could imperil region's power supply within five years" on my Bingo card. Seattle Times story today.
I am very proud to witness the strong message of a mission of unity and strength against autocracy from my President Joe Biden at the NATO summit today.
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We the People voters need to demand that the popular vote will be determinative, and the electoral college is not really how things should work. If SCOTUS can declare Presidential immunity is something completely different that six of them made up, we can declare the Electoral College is not real.
Me, too. #VoteBlue #VoteToSaveDemocracy
The fighting will have to stop before the convention. So a decision will evolve. I don’t care how it goes, I can argue for both sides and I don’t know who’s right. I just know I am voting D.
I am also waiting for that . And reporting that lists and fact-checks the firehouse of lies that was his miserable debate performance.
Ms. M6794 @msm6794.bsky.social I want the major news organizations explaining why they are not asking Trump to pull out with 34 felony convictions, sex scandals, treason, racist comments, threats to opponents. I'm waiting and would like their rationale.
Oh they intend to start hiring for positions in the autocracy. I wonder how they describe the job of Women with Failed Pregnancy Infections Death Enforcer.
Vote: The Constitution is not going to uphold itself.
What learning history means.
It’s a very obscure question but I did some research and it turns out that the president who led us out of the Depression and kicked Hitler’s ass was actually in a wheelchair? Who knew?
"The only tool we have to fight for democracy, is democracy." --Rachel Maddow
OK friends, when and where is the antifa meetup? #VoteBlue #FightTheFascists #BlueWave
"Norms" don't have any binding in law, and no federal judge would ever rule by citing "the norms." Norms will not protect anyone from a president who is told by SCOTUS that pretty much everythingordered is legal and immune.
It is important to say out loud that the six ultra-conservative political operatives on the Supreme Court did not think thoroughly about the illegality issues of the Immunity ruling they just announced.
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Things Trump did that were NOT "official acts": - inciting the mob on J6 - activating fake electors - bullying Pence into exceeding his authority - trying to get DOJ to make false claims of election fraud - leading a conspiracy to keep himself in office after he KNEW he lost
Is Congress going to accept being demoted from 1/3 of the Constitutional checks and balances to being 1/9, or less??
Six members of #SCOTUS have NOTHING in common with regular American people and they don't care about our country. They care about GOP power and Trumfp.
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The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
I want five Justices added to the SCOTUS and I want it now. #ExecutiveOrder