
Call me old fashioned but Nazis don't respect democracy or stop being Nazis until you give them the bad ending so I'm not sure why we haven't collectively decided that we shouldn't wait for another war with them to solve Project 2025 without settling for impotent shitlib losers.
No one that supports or penned this fascist manifesto is immortal, do the math lol
This is the energy that will save the world
Try telling that to anyone who calls themself a Leftist and watch their heads explode, I've been saying that for ages and people think I'm somehow evil.
Oh I will, loudly and at length. There's no reasoning with people who see you as less-than-human, and all we can do is defend ourselves from their violence and hate
Seeing all this stuff and then the same like “so get out the vote” shit is making me insane, like ok give us people who will .. win? Who will fight it??
I've been on the verge of saying shit that would get me arrested for like 9 years man how are we supposed to deal with this shit and not just eventually all mentally break
It’s really heading towards the inevitable conclusion that will just hurt everyone who’s poor and othered. Nobody benefits in the situations these politicians and the markets/housing/etc are going without a DRASTIC change and they don’t care
Honestly. Hitler and Göring didn’t stop Nazi-ing after the Beer Hall Putsch failed and understood the event as foreshadowing unless they miraculously saw the error of their ways. They stopped Nazi-ing once they stopped living. Like… Here’s the opportunity to redo 1933, folks. Make a decision.
I've said this already on twitter but there's so much like uwAHhwwowWOW WHAT IF I COULD GO BACK IN TIME AND STOP HITLER FROM EVER HAVING POWER and it's like what if I told you you are being presented that opportunity every day with so many people right now and you don't even need a time machine bro
and yet you know a disheartening number of them, during the 2016 or even 2020 election, probably posted at least one variation on the statement, “wonder what you would’ve done during WWII/the civil rights movement? you’re doing it right now.”
Careful with that last sentence, a self proclaimed leftist might see it and call you terrible for daring to remind them that they can revolt instead of let Fascists win.