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Thank you! So a Centurion chassis rather than a Chieftain one.
That report supports the idea that the biggest effect on public and political discourse are editorial decisions about what to publish or broadcast, where it's positioned in the running order and how the story is positioned. What is not reported can often be important too.
Hmm. Maybe not real. I've been highly sceptical about the Internet of Things from the start - I remember Talkie Toaster (TM) from Red Dwarf.
I was discussing this with a pal (57) yesterday. You could double it for everyone and impose a wealth tax on over 65s with assets >£250k at a rate of 3% per annum. Eg: a £400k house and £200k private pension fund would attract £10k in tax liability which roughly matches the pension gain.
Where that discussion started was Labour's failure to remove the 2 child cap on child benefit. Pensioners keep getting rewarded while children, the future tax payers, were being penalised.
I'm not familiar with the Lloyd carrier, I'll go and look it up. I wondered if the other one was a Chieftain chassis with a self propelled gun set up?
That's an unsettling cover, almost as much as the necromancer one. I like the Ogre Hunt C&S scenario. The only one I've ever seen.
I'm only getting half of that.
What's that tracked vehicle in the second photo "Loch Lomond"? And what is that in the background behind the Stuart light tank?
I'm liking that Bones is looking down and saying "You don't say!"
Huge piles of Hopium being consumed.
Me too. When I looked up Bootneck Boy the wiki entry had a narrative summary of the story and straightaway I remember some of the images from the comic. It's been easily 35y since I read them and even then it was only one story of many comics and books I was reading at the time. Funny what lodges.
I also had two comic anthologies of Battler Brittain the pilot that was handed down from my Dad's younger brother.
Sifting through my phone photos for something else I found these from Friday 24th June 2016. They all show an alternative history where Remain won the Brexit referendum - they obviously all went to press before the true results emerged but I still feel dissonant reading them. A Sliding Doors moment.
I went away and looked it up. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boo... What I think I must have read in the annual was a full reprint of the origin story as the description in the wiki article is consistent with my memory.
The Bootneck Boy - Wikipediaen.m.wikipedia.org
One I had forgotten about, I don't know how, was "Charley's War" which was about a Tommy in WW1. If I was a tech billionaire I'd buy all these comics up and see if I could make a Netflix series or two. British heroes instead of American ones for a change. Who'd play Alf Tupper? IDK.
@oldscouserp.bsky.social Found the other story - it was called The Eagle.
Shrubstack. Where all the unsold garage forecourt garden plants go after they've wilted from petrol fumes.
I always felt that Fleetaway's comic's art was inferior to DC Thompson, but I did get the Battle annuals (often in the January sale 😀). Bootneck Boy and their was another long form pictorial that was about a plot to assassinate Hitler using an FG42 assault rifle.
Major Eazy? I was a Victor man myself. Alf Tupper being my go-to story.
There are definitely people who fall into that group. We all know them - like Nelson Munz's weedy wee sidekicks in The Simpsons. They want protection of being in an "in" group and not being in an "out" group. "My life might be shit, but at least I'm not them". There's something primeval about it.
What a great piece of journalism. I've shared that with the chocolate loving members of my family. Has there been any follow up from 2018 to see if it has improved or regressed?
The most excellent thing about the FT is its data analysis and presentation. All other media, political parties and govt should be judged against this. There were five excellent graphs on the BBC website yesterday showing the issues that the King's Speech will need to address.
More politicians need to be challenged using graphs generated by reputable sources.