
Feels like we're going to hit the tipping point between "I wouldn't actually recommend ecoterrorism, but" and "is there any solution other than ecoterrorism available?" very soon
these assholes are going to start a resource war
A single AI data center is going to connect to the Texas power grid and draw more power per year than many countries do
It's going to be an actual menace to countless thousands of lives, no exaggeration whatsoever. It's a thing that shouldn't exist and must be destroyed
But that's okay, Wal-Mart will be able to adjust prices on water and ice cream on the fly if it gets too hot! Won't you please think of the poor corporations and their needs?
“If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream. [...] — that’s the good news,” These people will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.
A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf With electronic shelf labels, prices can change up to six times a minute. Grocers including Walmart, Whole Foods and Schnucks are adopting them.
predicting the supply and demand curve based on ambient temperature is a CS101 project, there’s no need to involve AI in this that doesn’t mean they won’t
They absolutely will. There isn't a corporation in existence that won't utilize any and every tool to "extract value", no matter the cost.
I can't see Walmart implementing surge pricing. The backlash would be vicious and it's not like they have brand loyalty. This is just so they don't have to pay someone to print out and replace the price stickers every time the price of eggs changes.
They’re going to kill the world for a worse version of a search engine and drawings with too many hands.
Haha, just wait until you learn about the power requirements for an actually useful quantum computer with ~1M qubits. Cooling requirements in the ~10 degrees Kelvin range. 😁
How the fuck is that allowed when even in Canada we know that the Texas power grid fails at least one season a year?! Holy shit
And make more money by turning off than it does processing data.
Key words there being TEXAS power grid - you know the one that collapses regularly now with weather extremes - so let's tax its ability EVERY day?
My hope is that all these AI garbage servers spur huge investment in new solar/wind to handle their power consumption, the AI companies all go bust, and we end up with plenty of renewables AND no AI.
Well we can just look at how it's gone with crypto video-card farms and use that to predict how it's gonna go with AI video-card farms, right? (yes I know about ASICs, not relevant thx)
The former had to pivot to the latter.
Nearly all the chips used to guess crypto lottery numbers are useless for machine learning. The VC money moved to AI, but the crypto mines are still online and devouring electricity.
The video card farms pivoted. They Asics are still mining or went into landfills because it's all they are good for.
There were very, very few video card farms relative to the ASIC farms. Yes I know I said "video-card farms" in my post up there but my point is that crypto mining is still pulling tons of electricity off the grid, and hasn't spurred the buildout of renewables to match its consumption
This has felt basically correct since the day I found out that the amount of new electricity produced by wind and solar was almost completely gobbled up by crypto mining. Like, those fuckers are keeping coal plants that were set for decommissioning open.
Getting some of the same feeling about healthcare in the US. I wouldn't recommend terrorism against healthcare insurance companies and executives, but I'm wondering what an actual solution besides terrorism looks like.
When the system is rigged, eventually people are going to look for a way to even it back out. Not that I'm condoning or encouraging violence, just looking at likely consequences based on history. Desperate people take desperate measures.
No jihad but Butlerian jihad
I think we're kind of saying the same thing here.
Folks can continue to get upset about the term, but degrowth just describes what has to be done.
Terrorism implies the goal is to install fear in a population. If your goal is to simply stop something bad from continuing directly, that's just direct action. Stop letting institutions in power frame good things as boogeymen.
I keep thinking about the Daughters of Kali in THE MINISTRY FOR THE FUTURE.
I still remember back when an eco-terrorist group like Avalanche was the good guys of the JRPG scene and it had a racially diverse group of anarchists devoted to overthrowing a corrupt corporate government back in the 90's and we had Captain Planet... and it wasn't a controversial thing back then.
Still remember the Planeteers and Cloud Strife being called terrorists for fighting to save the planet and back then we could all agree they were the good guys. What the hell happened to the world that suddenly these concepts of fighting pollution and evil became taboo and shunned in the mainstream?
They can turn off those AI systems they are not critical for human survival like air conditioning!!
do you want some absolutely insane news I had not expected to learn today?
Someone invented cold fusion like in The Saint?
That actually is completely insane. Amazing
hi sorry this is indeed insane, wtf
Wasn't there an issue raised a few years back that if everyone starts their own fusion startup, we'll run out of available tritium before anyone is successful?
I've been on the Internet since 1996, so I've seen a few things. Including some things that some people would very much wish never showed up. Slava Person's SVBXlabs is one of those things. A lot of it went missing not long after 9/11, but some of it still survives. Use it wisely.
not necessarily ecoterrorism but ecoterrorism if necessary (this is a somewhat niche Canadian joke fyi)
Add to the fact that it’s getting hotter and hotter faster and faster and..