Jim Kosmicki

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Jim Kosmicki


English instructor at Central Community College in Nebraska
I am a late boomer, but I have been saying similar things for a while now
The best way to understand boomer psychology is participation trophies. Boomers insisted their kids all get trophies. None of them wanted upset, loser kids. Then when millennials were adults, boomers used the participation trophies THEY GAVE US as proof we were soft & entitled as a generation.
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It's so funny when they say a trained parrot whose only feature is predict with various level of failure which word in the sentence is coming next will have "Ph.D. level intelligence."
Google's AI training for educators includes this statement: "Always use your judgment to ensure you’re using AI for good." Yes, this from the company that USED to have "don't be evil" as a motto, but now can't make any decision that is ethical in nature...
I just read a description of Marjorie Taylor Greene as " a girl version of Yosemite Sam," and damn, if that doesn't make sense.
teaching an online course at my community college this summer - The ONLY positive to the sprinting students just looking to check off each item on the assignment list is that once they've finished (weakly), I can give all my attention to the other students, following the pace, who want to learn
help me out here, is it irony or schadenfreude or both that I just saw multiple copies of J.D. Vance's Hillbilly Elegy at Dollar Tree next to the cheap bibles?
Reposted byAvatar Jim Kosmicki
How appalling it is that after all these loud years of Hollywood and tech companies screaming about piracy they're willing to use your voice, your work, your entire *life*, and tell you you're standing in their way.
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I’ve been on Facebook since 2004 and Twitter since 2009. In all that time, I’ve never once regretted waiting until more facts came in before commenting on a complex and ongoing and heated situation. And I’ve regretted *not* waiting for more facts several times.
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Drexel has told us we can't come to campus tomorrow or enter our offices, which have 24 hour front desk staffing and 3 different scan or key checkpoints, because of two dozen teenagers in tents who, last I checked, were drawing watermelons in sidewalk chalk DEEPLY embarrassing
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"Police don’t solve serious or violent crimes w/any regularity, & spend very little time on crime control." They spend more "time conducting racially biased stops & searches of minority drivers, often wo reasonable suspicion, rather than 'fighting crime.'" www.reuters.com/legal/govern...
Police are not primarily crime fighters, according to the datawww.reuters.com A new report adds to a growing line of research showing that police departments don’t solve serious or violent crimes with any regularity, and in fact, spend very little time on crime control, in contrast to popular narratives.
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weird how a country organized around the principle "let's monetize every single human interaction to benefit an idle, vampiric shareholder class" is falling apart like a wet cardboard box
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Sam Altman is full of shit www.wheresyoured.at/managing-up/
His contemporaries can’t be happy that he’s out here saying yes, that tech we want to insert into every aspect of your life is also a cop. “He [Altman] mused that AI might, for example, testify against you or get subpoenaed by a court. That will be a new thing for society to navigate…”
Sam Altman Answers The Burning Questions About AI: Bias, Privacy, Etc.www.forbes.com Responding, Altman criticized the construct of having people rate their doomsday predictions from one to 100.
Oh, Nathan
“Workers with undergraduate degrees in history have the highest median earnings in the humanities ($77,932) and the highest upper quartile of earnings (starting at $127,429)” mailchi.mp/8fa9a216b647...
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We’ll suppress, arrest and beat our children until they see this is what standing in solidarity with the victims of a genocide gets them. This is how we show our love for our precious youth
Well, NYC's Mayor Adams has certainly said the quiet part out loud.
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This is what I keep telling people - don't just blindly accept the denial - always challenge it
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Will history remember? Yes, history will remember. And that is why the history departments are being closed.
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The student protesters should call their encampments "AI Innovation Zones of Excellence"
the reality of replacing humans with actual skills with AI that has no actual comprehension of human perception
Via Vincent Proce on Twitter (@vproceart) some hope vs the Ai glut (repost to add alt text)
AI is untrustworthy, and in cases like this, can literally kill you
From the quoted article. Holy shit this is bad.
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Chat gpt is basically an advanced cootie catcher, or a slightly less sophisticated tarot deck.
The same is true of ChatGPT. It has no knowledge. It has no ability to understand a question, formulate an answer, or discern truth. It does patterns. It produces something that fits an algorithm for something that looks like it might be an answer to something that might look like your prompt.
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i feel like maybe parents would be less paranoid about their kids playing outside if we hadn't normalized five foot tall trucks and driving like a fucking maniac
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Just shipped: Bluesky posts embeds! Now you can see Bluesky posts in their natural habitat. Simply right-click on the post you want to embed, or paste its URL in embed.bsky.app for the code snippet.
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Here's what everyone needs to know* about climate change: 🌍 It's real 👥 It's human-caused ⚠️ It's serious 💡 With immediate action, it's solvable ⌛ Later is too late * social science shows these msgs increase acceptance of the issue, awareness of the risk and, most importantly, willingness to act.