Human in case anybody asks

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Human in case anybody asks

Find joy in progress
Avoid self fragmentation at all cost It can cost your sanity
The Macintosh Double Plus was designed to be twice as good as its predecessor - it featured double the pixels, width, floppies, and a pair of 8Mhz 68010 CPUs. Its planned successor, the Double Plus Good with a pair of 16Mhz CPUs was thrown down the memory hole. Pridecauseful.
Instead of using AI to see how you'd look in the 70s how about you head to the thrift store and play dress up. 1. You might end up with clothes 2. Playing dress up is fun 3. Leaving the house >>> 4. You look like a fool using AI generators
this post is by and is an all timer from the other site
Not a surprise but still….wow
I'm 1876 Republicans went into polls with bayonets to ensure their candidate won For some reason I foresee this happening in 2024
JUST IN: Justin Pearson and Justin Jones, the two Black Dems expelled from the Tennessee House by the GOP in April, just triumphed today while facing voters in their district for the first time since then.
Florida has banned AP Psychology courses throughout the state
“We’re going to have all of these deep state people, you know, we are going to start slitting throats on day one,” DeSantis said. We all know that “deep state” means Jews, right? When someone shows you who they are…
DeSantis vows to ‘start slitting throats on day one’ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Sunday said he would “start slitting throats on day one” when it comes to taking on the “deep state.” DeSantis made the remarks at a barbecu…
Elon should have kept quiet The number of individuals in the tech sphere who have lost respect for him is staggering
TW; r*pe What a good question! Yes, theres extensive history of the use of both r*pe itself and false allegations against Black folks as a tool of white supremacy.
Researchers Identify False Twitter Personas Likely Powered by ChatGPT 1100+ accounts mostly promoting "news" sites concerned with crypto and blockchain gave themselves away; but the next generation of LLM-powered bots may not:
Researchers Identify False Twitter Personas Likely Powered by This particular network, promoting crypto content, was easy to spot. But other network operators may not be so sloppy.
Jesus Christ I’d rather be waterboarded as a career, LinkedIn
Scared of the 6 Scared of the 6 Scared of the 6
The potential for AI to augment discrimination is something that shouldn't be taken lightly
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Judge blocks Arkansas law allowing criminal charges against librarians for providing ‘harmful’ materials to minors.
This app reminds me of Twitter in its earlier days
End of feed.