
Yea but now it is Russia bombed a hospital vs Israel bombed every hospital, school, church and mosque. 70-80% of gaza is rubble and an under estimated death toll is something like 10% of gazans martyred
Would love to see the Venn Diagram of "Thinks Russia bombing hospitals is bad" and "Thinks Israel bombing hospitals is bad." Exist in that overlap! Too few people seem to.
Yesterday a journalist asked either Miller or Kirby how they were so quickly able to determine it was a Russian attack when they can't do that even months later in Gaza. The response was "look at the pattern." Jaw dropping arrogance.
Miller is still even claiming that Hamas hides command centers in hospitals despite that being conclusively disproven many months ago.
It's shocking even though I'm accustomed to the dehumanisation and injustice on screen. The way they've momentarily lost the BBC is morbidly funny
I want badly to just grab Kirby in his pijamas and throw him in Gaza City to see if he keeps his stance on this "war"
Everytime I hear someone start with criticisms of hamas I just hold myself from saying put yourself between the 20 tonne bombs being dropped on whole Palestinians and then come talk to me about the Palestinian resistance
It's always "you can condemn both!" Ok but that's not what's happening, is it? Condemning the side that is being bombed along with their people just does the work of justifying that bombing.
I genuinely will only condemn the perpetrators not the people being bombed or their resistance
I firmly believe it is not my place to criticize anyone resisting their oppressor.