
6:00 OK I'm going to make this spaghetti. I'll put the sauce in the small burner while the water heats up. 6:15 Water's boiling, put the spaghetti in. It will take 11 minutes. The sauce will be nice and hot by then 8:20 Dinnertime
7:00 realize I've let the pot boil dry and now the sauce is burned and inedible. Spend the next hour+ trying to figure out what to eat (not really I'm doing other stuff but that's what I should be doing) 8:19 pour cereal into a bowl
Sometimes I just eat slices of bread.
Blank sandwich, or its cousin, tortilla (rolled up)
I have several emergency boxes of Raisin Bran because that's the one I consider closest to an actual meal.
Opens can of Chef-Boy-Ardee overstuffed ravioli, adds garlic powder, dried Italian seasoning, and Whatsthishere Sauce. warms to boiling, and eats out of the cooling saucepan with a soup spoon. Duh.
For me, it is sitting at my dinner table at 6 thinking: I'll make dinner, wash up afterward, adjust the crooked picture in the back room. Make popcorn and stream the movie I want to see at 8. Take a shower, brush my teeth, get some water, and go to bed. I feel hungry so I stand up and it is 10:30.
A variation of this is my daughters save me some time by coming into the room at 8 asking, "Dad, weren't you gonna make dinner?"
it takes 25 minutes to get out of bed. final answer
aww, foone is one of my "sad about the demise of twitter" follows. i don't know that i have what it takes to tumbl
Foone's on mastodon, if you care to see random posting. There's notably much less resurrecting of massive threads than there was on twitter though.
I have to be there at noon, it takes 30 minutes to get there, so I should leave at 10:45
The problem with this is that a Big Part of ADHD is executive function issues, which include wildly underestimating how long it takes *you* to do something. "It'll take me five minutes to do that" except that it take 2-4 hours to get to that 5 minutes.
you're preaching to the choir here, this is my only slightly exaggerated experience
This was actually me today. Except I never did the 5 minutes. Sigh.
every time i have a shower: me: gotta have a quick shower this time, 5 minutes and gtfo me, coming back to reality while still in the shower 30 minutes later: fuck
"the hell was I doing in there?"
i swear my mind just goes to TV static
This is why I never cook without timers anymore. I ruined too much pasta as a kid. I still get up and wander away while cooking but the loud timer calls me back.
for me it's really more of a lost time thing than lost attention. My food ends up fine but I feel like I've been abducted by aliens when I look at the clock.
the answer to all those things is, "as long as they take."