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Schadenfreude TF
i.e., TF of women into still Anthro and feminine (curvy) version of themselves and whose TF is source of distress
My favorite language evolution is "making love." In the past, it used to mean doing couple stuff together, like going for a walk. That's why whenever I'm in a bad mood, I just look at this old Popeye comic and smile.
I don't know who needs to hear this but,
Reminder that if you Follow "Adult Content Creators" here, you should go into your Moderation settings and fuck around with them in order to be sure you can see their work. The AI Mod system doesn't seem to know the Labelling system is tiered. It just slaps pics with any and all Labels it wants to.
Like, earlier today this post was flagged for Porn. I Appealed and wrote "There's Nudity, but no Porn." And NOW it's saying "Sexually Suggestive (Cartoon)" so I just sent in "He's naked. Of COURSE it's "Suggestive." But, more importantly, he's NAKED, which is why I chose the Nudity Label."
it's unbelievably self-centered for western lefties to constantly pose like they live under the most oppressive authoritarianism on the planet, and frankly disrespectful to people who *actually* live in places where they will just kill you for talking shit about the government
Well fuck! biggest tell on this thing was that the brain is usually not able to process what it has not be trained/stimulated to recognise. Even if those glasses worked, they couldn't have an immediate effect. Still disappointed that this was all a scam www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ppob...
(James Somerton isn't a piece of shit because the unknowable labyrinth of human sexuality decided to transform goose-stepping genocidal fascists into boner fuel for him, he's a piece of shit because he's try to brute-force that attraction into fact, where it has the potential to do IMMENSE harm.)
What a romantic activity!~ Final product from art stream. www.deviantart.com/princessgala...
End of feed.