Scott Robeson

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Scott Robeson

Climate scientist, geographer, and statistician at Indiana University, Bloomington (USA) | FirstGen | UDel and UBC grad | Grower of food and lover of trees and birds | Partner of
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Yesterday, I shared this same Canada Day thread on Bluesky, Threads, and X. Here's what I found. 🧵
“Canada is such a northern country, don’t we want a little global warming?” I often hear. In a nutshell, NO. We’re warming 2x faster than the rest of the world, driving extreme heat, flood, and sea level rise we are not prepared for. The wildfire season started in Feb this year. Feb! #canadaday
Canada’s Changing Climate
This, along with productive procrastination, have been my path for a very long time
New article with a tree-ring (blue intensity) reconstruction of summer temperatures in the southeastern USA back to 1760. Perhaps even cooler is this figure that first author Karen King drew showing the two tree species used.
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Remember to give yourself a break from social if you’re feeling overwhelmed. There’s a lot happening right now, and sometimes it helps to connect with people over it, and sometimes it doesn’t. Always prioritize your well being!
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Most scientific published studies have “positive results.” But what about the papers with negative results? Dr. Sarahanne Field, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Trial And Error, joins us to discuss how failure can make science stronger.
What To Do When Your Hypothesis Is Wrong? Publish! In an effort to learn from scientific failure, The Journal of Trial Error only publishes “negative” results.
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We’re looking for a *Geospatial and Quantitative Skills Specialist* to join the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge. It’s a technical research & teaching support role. Please pass details to anyone who may be interested & well qualified! #geosky #job #GIS
Geospatial and Quantitative Skills Specialist - Job Opportunities - University of Geospatial and Quantitative Skills Specialist in the Department of Geography at the University of Cambridge.
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For context, Canada’s entire electricity generation capacity is just over 150 GW 🤣👇
Needless to say, the 99 GW of solar and wind, and 100 GW of solar+wind+nuclear, added in the first five months of the year, is the record for any country, ever. Some years ago, 100 GW would have been considered impressive for the whole year.
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Here's the good news, though. When we cut our carbon emissions through efficiency, electrification, and clean energy, we also cut air pollution! Yet another example of why climate solutions are absolutely essential for our health today and our future tomorrow.
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Humanity has done well by burning fossil fuels and dumping CO2 into the atmosphere. This is like running up a big credit card debt: it’s great while you’re doing it, but eventually the bill comes due. The growing carbon debt, by
The growing carbon Why the climate change is different from other environmental challenges
Oh, so apparently some members of tbe IU Board of Trustees were not consulted — and don’t agree with — the letter expressing the Board’s “united” and “full” support for President Whitten that came out hours after the faculty vote of no confidence.
IU Trustees aren’t unanimous on letter supporting Pres. In an email to WFIU/WTIU News, IU trustee Vivian Winston said she had no role in creating an April statement supporting Whitten and felt she could “no longer stay silent.”
Image of the damage from strong, straight-line winds that moved through Bloomington, Indiana yesterday afternoon. Many are still without power.
Yes! has made me a convert.
We are lucky to have a proper mudroom, which has a shoe rack, where we leave our filthy outdoor shoes and change into our slippers. Y'all, wearing outdoor shoes in a clean house is disgusting, and why we refuse to host large neighborhood parties 🤢
What a great line from the early part of this book. Even when we don’t see birds, they usually see us. 🪶
It'll be a humidity roller coaster this week, but these dewpoints on Thursday are gonna feel so good
The garden a day after the solstice. Nice time of year: plenty to harvest but not so much that there’s a frantic need to freeze, can, and dehydrate.
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We need to retire the narrative that your once fav “liberal/progressive” mediocre, unremarkable tech dude has somehow changed INTO a white suprematist…these dudes were NEVER who their Marketing/PR departments sold you…WHITE SUPREMACY IS NOT A VIRUS ONE CATCHES…IT’S TAUGHT
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the planet is on fire and people can’t afford air conditioning, surely this is the time to come up with a technology nobody asked for and nobody wants then dedicate all the electricity to maintaining it
New AI data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals. Read The Big Take ⬇️
AI Is Wreaking Havoc on Global Power New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
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This is a problem that will continue to get worse:
Public service announcement that the trains between NYC and Philly have been a disaster since Wednesday because of the heat. Something about them having to go slower not to overheat but overheating anyway. I have heard about a dozen chaotic stories now
Climate change will ruin train tracks and make travel "This is not a problem that’s going away."
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Postdoc position in forest ecology is available to do work with Jordon Tourville and the Appalachian Mountain Club starting this fall ( Jordon and AMC are both great and there will be awesome opportunities for research up and down the Appalachian Trail Corridor!
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Montane Ecology & Climate Calling all outdoor enthusiasts! Join the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) in our mission to protect the Northeast and...
You say flash drought, they say rapid onset drought
When it’s hot and the dew point is relatively elevated, it feels “humid” to us mammals. But, to a plant that can lose a lot of water due to large vapor pressure deficits, it’s dangerously dry. Many crops prefer VPD to be around 10 hPa.
Even though the Sun is never directly overhead at latitudes outside the tropics, there's still plenty of extraterrestrial solar radiation (Kex) at higher latitudes because Kex is proportional to sin(solar elevation). Here at 39.2°N, it will be 96% of the solar constant at solar noon today. #solstice
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There’s an old saying among organic gardeners: you shouldn’t be concerned when there are insects in your produce, you should be concerned when there *aren’t* any. 🌱
We need to get *everyone* on planet Earth to grasp this most vital truth, and into the fight for the natural world. No nature, no us. 🌏
I used the phrase “presents a rosier picture” when comparing two metrics in a recent article and a coauthor kept telling me that it wasn’t appropriate. 🙄
I don’t think I’ve read a single article that I felt was enhanced by using academicy prose or inhibited by writing in a more normal, chatty style. I used tl;dr in a law review once (and plan to again), and I’m confident it made the paper more readable, not less, at no loss of rigor.
In case #geosky missed this
I’m struck by how the map of where people travel to and from to obtain abortions is similar to maps of The Great Migration. (Credit for map in Alt Text)