
Between this, Harper Collins announcing AI audiobooks, A24 starting AI marketing, it's clear the companies holding art hostage are trying to pull a slow lobster boil on us with AI. I hope we continue to shame them mercilessly for betraying their human artists & audience.
Netflix Doc ‘What Jennifer Did’ Uses AI Images to Create False Historical Documentary filmmakers were publishing guidelines on how to ethically use generative AI right as Netflix’s true crime doc was adding fake images to the historical record.
Feels like they also hope to overwhelm. Exhaust everyone with having so much to push back on all the time, and thus make the pushback so frequent as to slip into the general noise everyone tunes out. But of course, we have to push back on everything or it starts to take root.
I mean they’ve been doing the same thing with anti-trans propaganda in the news for years
fuck really A24? Ugh.
That's disappointing. There are not the worst movie production company by far and we should expect better from them.
Agree. This is a bummer to find out. Source?
try looking at the damn image for the big movie
also sorry to you 3 but you are learning that under capitalism, prestige media is designed to make you feel you are participating in a better project when literally nothing except maybe dry production/reinvestment figures and favored screenwriters/tropes is actually different in a way that matters
The way they conducted themselves during the writers guild strike was different in a way that matters.
woah. Ok. Thanks user. Noted.
Is it a faux pas on here to have a tone like one is an idiot for not “trying to look at a damn image” and knowing it’s AI? Seems like a harsh tone to me. I thought blue sky was friendlier before it opened to everyone.
Sorry you had to deal with that jackass, but wow was that an easy decision to block.
If I’d known this I would have skipped a truly awful documentary, it’s not just lazy and sloppy regarding the AI use.
I started watching it and just haven’t gone back to it. I couldn’t put my finger on why it didn’t hold my attention
Let me say that they just cover the initial interviews for the whole thing and then sum up the trial in title cards in 10 seconds at the end. It seems sort of key to note that the trial has been successfully appealed but they cover that in one sentence at the end.
Given the reams of texts these kids apparently sent planning and executing this crime, somehow it was prosecuted so badly it that it’s been successfully appealed and it might have been nice to say why.
The faked images are used to paint a picture of this happy party girl I’m now unsure ever existed.
I’ve seen other programs about her & they never mentioned her being a party girl. It’s a weird narrative
Part of me feels like Disney/Marvel going with AI-generated opening credit images is part of what let everyone believe that it was "okay" to go ahead.
We watched an episode of that, and it was pretty dull stuff but we were going with ep2 when…”Hang on, is that AI shite?” Off it went and that’s been that for not only that show, but Marvel. Absfuckinglutely not lads.
The AI was probably the dead fly topping on a show that was at best dull and lacklustre, and that played to horrid anti-refugee and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and narratives.
I don’t remember a thing about it other than Jackson and Clarke being in it, and tones of grey.
Tbf, it's not a memorable show at all (and it's pretty much ignored now). I did find the Captain Marvel portrayal of the Skrulls interesting, & was expecting something thriller-ish w/ the show. The thing is that even if there *had* been anything interesting, the themes were too overriding for me.
A24????? Say it ain't so
Yeah, they've been promoting Civil War with AI-generated posters.
Ugh. I hope they're getting pushback.
This is disgusting. While it’s awful and disappointing to see generated crap used in fictional movies b/c it completely devalues it. To make up information on someone’s life killer or not is unforgivable, of course Netflix has no standards or they wouldn’t have allowed it in the first place.
I mean, I’m no expert but Feel like it defeats the purpose of a “documentary” if the materials you’re using to document events are falsified machine-slurry
My sister put this show on last week. I noticed the messed up teeth, and that they kept using the same couple of images repeatedly. It immediately seemed "off" to me
Totally agree and appreciate this article calling it out. Also, I almost thought I’d opened the wrong link for a second. There’s gotta be a better way for these websites to do ads.
I couldn't even read the whole thing because sign-in/paywall.
I quoted myself saying that! What a nightmare timeline we are in.
Oh. And I can’t read beyond a few paragraphs without creating an account. Do they…just not want my readership?
They also used ai in weird set up shots of the overgrown police station in that doc, although obviously not as consequential
Pulling stunts like this should get people jailed for the damage that could be done with this misinformation. The potential for this technology being abused is catastrophic.
this one is tremendously evil, like bring back tarring
They don't have shame. What we need to do is stop paying for their stuff. They can at least understand the language of not getting any more customers.
I’m sorry: A24 doing what now?
Oh right, Civil War is theirs. Dammit.
It's the hands. AI will never get the hands right.