Pablo Hidalgo

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Pablo Hidalgo

Twitter survivor (arguable). Director, Franchise/Story, Lucasfilm. Author of things, advisor of lore, sketcher of robots, subject of flimsy rumors. Not really here to argue.
Reposted byAvatar Pablo Hidalgo
Picked up the Dungeons & Dragons Owlbear figure. I’ve named him Owliver Platt.
Last new episode in a while. Please ration your hot takes during the drought or else we may have to dust off the classics like “the disappearing reek” and “the baby committed genocide” again.
The events of Star Wars did not, in the traditional sense, happen.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
It does so much in 20 pages!
It never came up that I know of. There was budget for one X-section in the book and the Fondor made the cut.
Next up in the '84 re-reads, "Ellie," Star Wars #80. Love this cover. Especially like that the enclosed space in the A (the 'counter', I think it's called in typography) looks like an old WWI Pickelhaube spike atop Vader's helmet. Art by Ron Frenz and Tom Palmer.
It always cracks me up that American toy commercials had to have kids playing and manipulating the toys so that kids understood what the toys can and cannot do. Japanese commercials on the other hand:
Diaclone Battle Convoy (Optimus Prime) Original Japanese YouTube video by Bert The Stormtrooper Reviews
40 years 🤖❤️
【トランスフォーマー40周年記念】ブランデッドムービー公開!歴代玩具など貴重映像で振り返る「OUR ORIGIN」 どうがをみるときは、へやをあかるくして、めをちかづけすぎないようにしてみてね。 詳しくはこちら #トランスフォーマー40周年 を記念して、歴代の貴重な玩具や映像で振り返るムービーを公開! 【ご挨拶】 全てのトランスフォーマーファンの皆様 「#トランスフォーマー 」は株式会社タカラトミーとHASBRO社の40年にわたる類まれなるパートナーシップにより 世界中のファンに愛される希有なキャラクターと数多くの製品を生み出してきました。 1984年にビークルからロボットに変形するオプティマスプライム(コンボイ)が誕生してから、 今日に至るまでに「トランスフォーマー」は世界的なブランドへと進化を遂げました。 おかげさまで「トランスフォーマー」は2024年で40周年を迎えます。 長年に渡り「トランスフォーマー」を応援していただき、 トランスフォーマーチーム一同心より感謝しております。 誕生40周年を迎えるにあたり、 タカラトミーでは「トランスフォーマー」の伝統を継承・発展させていきたいと考えております。 40年という歳月を共に過ごしたファンの皆様と今後もコミュニケーションを取りつつ、 ファンの皆様それぞれの原点となった「トランスフォーマー」“YOUR ORIGIN”を大切にし、 40周年を機に全ての世代が一つになり“OUR ORIGIN ”とトランスフォームして さらに大きな力に繋げられるように、 今後もファンの皆様と共に歩みを進めていければ幸いです。 株式会社タカラトミー トランスフォーマーチーム一同 ■トランスフォーマー40周年ティザーサイトはこちら ■トランスフォーマー公式X(旧Twitter)⇒ ■T-SPARK公式チャンネルを登録しよう! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T-SPARK公式チャンネルとは ホビー専門のタカラトミー公式 YouTube チャンネル「T-SPARK公式チャンネル」! トランスフォーマー・ゾイド・ダイアクロンを中心に、ここでしか見られないオリジナルコンテンツや最新情報が集結! 是非、チャンネル登録をお願いいたします! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ © TOMY ©東映 ©1999 Transformer Production Company Inc./TOMY/葦プロダクション/日本アドシステムズ © 2006 DreamWorks, LLC & Paramount Pictures Corporation. All RightsReserved. TM & ® denote Japan Trademarks. © 2007 DW STUDIOS L.L.C. and PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION. All Rights Reserved. HASBRO, TRANSFORMERS and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro. © 2007 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.
The story concludes 20 issues later; the pirates just knew the statues held some sort of power, but it plays into a very sci-fi morality story in that they're components of a computer that protected a planet's people from extinction.
In my 1984 re-read, onto Star Wars #79, "The Big Con," written by Jo Duffy with art by Ron Frenz and Tom Palmer. Notable for having Lando cosplay as Space Pirate Captain Harlock while disguising himself in the search for Han. Fun stuff.
This issue has a disgruntled pirate named Koruu who pulls a gun on Lando. The design appears to be a riff on Ron Cobb's concept art of the High Tundra alien, which would eventually be named the Gotal in a few years, except without the horns. This issue shows signs of more concept art availability.
This issue also features the debut of the Dancing Goddess, a precious jade statue that I was able to get into the background of Solo: A Star Wars Story in Dryden Vos' yacht (the filmmakers asked me for a shortlist of potential trophies, and the Dancing Goddess made the cut).
loving the idea of a press junket reporter asking him about the multiverse.
No I have not but thanks for the tip!
In honor of Ben Burtt’s birthday, I’ll share this. He was one of the first “big deal” people I met when I started at the company when he just politely sat next to me at lunch in 2000 and I was totally star struck, but we found immediate common ground gushing about Treg Brown, the WB sound designer.
He told me about meeting Treg and fanning out over him. I could relate. I sheepishly told him I had put together the Wilhelm compilation video that went the 1999 equivalent of viral. He was quite kind about me outing his in-joke
As someone on the other side of the professional divide, whenever I hear a bit of fandom drama I imagine it’s gotta be what a teacher’s lounge is like hearing student gossip. Like you don’t really want to know but you’re kinda curious.
In San Francisco here. Here’s hoping it continue its inexorable spread.
Margarita Levieva is a real MVP. Great work.
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Next up in my 1984 SW re-read: Star Wars Word Puzzles. Serious business. (Probably the most dynamic a Mon Cal cruiser ever looked on a cover too).
Were the far right French memes not dank enough? Did they not try AI images?
Continuing my 1984 Star Wars re-read with “The Final Trap!” the last of the newspaper strips. While I am grateful for Dark Horse reformatting the series to make it more widely available in the 90s (below, right), there’s nothing quite like seeing the wild newsprint colors of the originals (left).
This reminds me: when coloring affects lore. Mystra seemed pretty human in the 80s. She was green-skinned in the 90s.
I can’t see why she’d even know who I am? 🤷
I don't recall there being any Huttese in it. I did look at some of the visuals and offered some notes.