Inner Worlds

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Inner Worlds

Inner Worlds is a quarterly digital zine of speculative stories about our inner lives. Submissions open in July for 2,500 to 5,000 word stories.
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Inner Worlds is a lovely publication to work with—read the stories that are already up, submit your work, all that jazz 💜
Issue 4 is a special issue of longer stories. Submissions open now for members of marginalised groups! 🚀 speculative stories about our inner lives 📝 2,500-5,000 words 💸 no submission fee 💷 pay £0.02 per word General subs open 15-31 July #SFF #Fantasy #Horror
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Latest story, "Grottmata," is now online at A space colony is plagued by a series of inexplicable deaths; an Inspector and a factory girl know more than they let on. Thanks again to Wendy and the Nightmare team for taking this and for their care with this one.
Grottmata - Nightmare The soldiers start rounding up us factory girls just before sunrise. We smoke cigarettes and stand in a line against the remnants of a brick wall that used to be a bakery, facing the sheer black of th...
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New Story Day: “I’ll Miss Myself” is out at! "I'll Miss Myself" is about an app that shows you every parallel universe version of yourself--or so it says. But the app might be hiding something from all of you.
I'll Miss Myself - A man using a social media app that reaches across dimensions to talk to himself in different timelines, discovers some of his problems are universal...and some are not...
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June was Hexagon’s lowest earning month since May of 2023. Funding a free magazine requires support from the community! 🧡 In the next few months we have our Year Four anthology, a new issue in September, and FOUR new MYRIAD Zines (with calls coming soon)!
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Diabolical Plots is open for submissions thru July 22!
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Issue 4 is a special issue of longer stories. Submissions open now for members of marginalised groups! 🚀 speculative stories about our inner lives 📝 2,500-5,000 words 💸 no submission fee 💷 pay £0.02 per word General subs open 15-31 July #SFF #Fantasy #Horror
Welcome new followers and subscribers! 🎉 And a huge thank you to everyone who has shared, subscribed, donated, or otherwise supported us 🥰
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Several crowdfunders running at the moment for rad SFF magazines - I hope they get loads of support because they fully deserve it! 😊 But if you have anything left over I'd *really* appreciate a few more subscribers as we've lost a couple of people recently and our margin is very small 💸
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
£2 a month to get the quarterly zine. Can’t beat that.
Several crowdfunders running at the moment for rad SFF magazines - I hope they get loads of support because they fully deserve it! 😊 But if you have anything left over I'd *really* appreciate a few more subscribers as we've lost a couple of people recently and our margin is very small 💸
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I’m teaching the online workshop "Writing Tips and Strategies for Neurodiverse Writers" on July 20 through's Reach Your Apex series. I'll share all the tips and strategies that help me as a neurodiverse author. Register today!
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Amidst the Apex and Uncanny and Dreamforges, there's smaller venues like Inner Worlds doing their thing and trying to make it all work. Let's give them some of our love today and help ensure they remain on firm financial footing.
Several crowdfunders running at the moment for rad SFF magazines - I hope they get loads of support because they fully deserve it! 😊 But if you have anything left over I'd *really* appreciate a few more subscribers as we've lost a couple of people recently and our margin is very small 💸
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
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Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
I love feeling feelings, and I love supporting mags that do, too.
If you can, please subscribe and support Inner Worlds and our wonderful authors! Help us publish more speculative stories about ✨FEELINGS✨ Got to to subscribe or drop us a one-off donation here: Thank you! 💖
Support Inner The best way to support Inner Worlds zine by becoming a subscriber. Regular income helps us ensure the future of the zine, and with enough subscribers we can increase pay rates for our authors and art...
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
I'm a happy Inner Worlds subscriber, maybe you should become one as well? 🪐
If you can, please subscribe and support Inner Worlds and our wonderful authors! Help us publish more speculative stories about ✨FEELINGS✨ Got to to subscribe or drop us a one-off donation here: Thank you! 💖
Support Inner The best way to support Inner Worlds zine by becoming a subscriber. Regular income helps us ensure the future of the zine, and with enough subscribers we can increase pay rates for our authors and art...
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
Please go subscribe! I love Inner Worlds! Sarah is doing good work, too, with a focus on marginalized authors and stories that we sometimes struggle to understand because they come from ND minds and individuals with mental illness different than our own.
Several crowdfunders running at the moment for rad SFF magazines - I hope they get loads of support because they fully deserve it! 😊 But if you have anything left over I'd *really* appreciate a few more subscribers as we've lost a couple of people recently and our margin is very small 💸
Several crowdfunders running at the moment for rad SFF magazines - I hope they get loads of support because they fully deserve it! 😊 But if you have anything left over I'd *really* appreciate a few more subscribers as we've lost a couple of people recently and our margin is very small 💸
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
AND WE'RE LIVE! Our 2025 Kickstarter has SO MUCH included! Here are some of our rewards: ☀️ Affirmation Critiques 🎨 Graphic Design Bundles and a Website mock-up 🖐️ Personal Snap Judgments ✍️ Critiques 📚 Book Bundles 👽 12 month subscriptions 🍸 Strange Anthology Bundle
Apex Magazine A bi-monthly digital literary magazine of science fiction, dark fantasy, and horror.
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PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE, SPACE UNICORNS! The Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Kickstarter is LIVE! Only *you* can make a 11th year of Uncanny Magazine happen! Help us make more magic, Space Unicorns!!!
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‘Following Red Futures' The Expanse Expanded collection, these essays focus on Star Wars from a new perspective, drawing on critical ideas from the left and Marxism. ‘Essays cover themes including work, labour, automation, imperialism, and class struggle.’ Download for free or purchase at the link
‘Caught in the Sad Orbit of a Dead Calamity’ by Fábio Fernandes is fabulous: an erudite, searching look into ANDOR that ranges from Cassian to Che, Clerks to cosmopolitics, the Chartist uprising in South Wales to the ‘cornfed’ moisture farmers of Tatooine 👉🏼
Andor Analysed, Part Andor Analysed is a collection of essays exploring the politics and impact of the first season of Andor. The series surprised many, both existing fans of Star Wars and new viewers, with the potential ...
Andor Analysed, Part Andor Analysed is a collection of essays exploring the politics and impact of the first season of Andor. The series surprised many, both existing fans of Star Wars and new viewers, with the potential ...
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
Got talking with about the eternal quest for sustainable pay rates. Realized I was describing a chart, so I scraped some stuff from Submission Grinder and figured I'd share. This represents SEVERAL ecosystems and no value judgments are implied.
Issue 4 is a special issue of longer stories. Submissions open now for members of marginalised groups! 🚀 speculative stories about our inner lives 📝 2,500-5,000 words 💸 no submission fee 💷 pay £0.02 per word General subs open 15-31 July #SFF #Fantasy #Horror
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
Our Kickstarter is approaching 90% funded. Join us! Testimonial from Alecia F. “Supporting DreamForge is a no-brainer for those of us who love SFF; their stories are original, thought-provoking, and always a joy to read. How could I not support it?!” You should check it out at
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
Inner Worlds issue 4 submissions are open now, and it's a special issue for longer stories. As usual, the first two weeks of the submission window are reserved for members of marginalised groups. Please send us your words! #AmWriting #HorrorCommunity #SFF
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
It's almost July, friends, which means: PodCastle will soon be OPEN TO SUBMISSIONS! General subs call, so: fantasy stories <6k, originals or reprints. You can send one of each at a time, and submit as soon as you're rejected, so get sending! Full guidelines in an algorithm-friendly location below:
We're also open for cover art submissions! Please send us your work, whether dreamlike or nightmarish, or something in between.
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
I'm always suggesting stories from here, so go submit (but watch the guidelines)! It's a special window for longer stories!
Inner Worlds issue 4 submissions are open now, and it's a special issue for longer stories. As usual, the first two weeks of the submission window are reserved for members of marginalised groups. Please send us your words! #AmWriting #HorrorCommunity #SFF
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
"Things Elan Reacquainted Himself With After Breaking Out of His Single-Day Time Loop" by is a sweet story about being trapped, then being free, and the small steps we can take towards joy. #SFF #Fantasy #SpeculativeFiction
Reposted byAvatar Inner Worlds
Really nice story. Speaks to those of us who sometimes get anxious af about trying new things. (note the trigger warnings at the top of it too, please)
"Things Elan Reacquainted Himself With After Breaking Out of His Single-Day Time Loop" by is a sweet story about being trapped, then being free, and the small steps we can take towards joy. #SFF #Fantasy #SpeculativeFiction