Diabolical Plots

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Diabolical Plots


SF/F/H magazine, Ignyte Award winning Submission Grinder tool for writers, Long List Anthology. https://ko-fi.com/diabolicalplots
Beef: It's what's for Danger.
My favorite short story mag is open for subs again, until July 22!
Diabolical Plots is open for submissions thru July 22! diabolicalplots.com/guidelines/
shoot your shot! a great place to read & to place work.
Diabolical Plots is open for submissions thru July 22! diabolicalplots.com/guidelines/
Advice? Don't pet the fluffy cows, it's important to celebrate the small things in life there may be more of them than you think, if you think you know what other people secretly think about you you are wrong, you should try lefse it looks like taco shells but isnt. Oh, about writing? Do words gud
Do I have any advice? Yes. Don't look back. Don't step off the path. Never trust the guardian. Oh, about writing? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do I have any advice? Yes. Don't look back. Don't step off the path. Never trust the guardian. Oh, about writing? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
do I have any advice? yes, a jar of rain and spit and blood with rusted nails and the hair of your enemy will do what you need it to do. oh about writing? that's my secret.
Send us your stories!
Diabolical Plots is open for submissions thru July 22! diabolicalplots.com/guidelines/
Diabolical Plots is open for submissions thru July 22! diabolicalplots.com/guidelines/
Last Supper Stitch: one-ply shadows. Needed to adjust a couple bits to compensate, not quite done correcting. (currently not watching the local news)
Last Supper Stitch: filled the huge rift in the tablecloth. And yes I partially went back on my previous decision and pulled out the big blue section, thread is intact, so not too much waste. (currently not watching NASCAR)
Matt's put together the pay rates of the horror markets listed on the @diabolicalplots.com Submission Grinder. Very interesting. Honestly expected there to be more of a bump at 5c and maybe a different proportion of token or non-paying.
Out of interest I did what @jonolfert.bsky.social did below but for horror markets. Sames caveats apply (+their charting is better than mine!)
the Munsters could start acting and dressing normal and people wouldn't notice they're draculas or franklinsteins or whatever. whereas with the Addams family, one of them is a hand
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
I understand the need for emojis to flag MA posts to the appropriate feeds but there are quite a few of you just spamming them. Next time you type a whole line of emojis, read them all out loud, full name, one by one. Now imagine having to use a screen reader and coming across that mess.
Last Supper Stitch: bunch of green robe, and realized during this segment that I made a mistake a long time ago and then built on that mistake so whole block of red and blue to the right is offset by one block from where it should be. Soooo... hm
There are many things that infuriate me about the pundit class right now, but probably one of the top on my list: Project 2025 has posted their plans for every single federal department on their website. They have a training academy for prospective appointees. Where are the hard hitting op-eds?
TRUMP: I am going to drop daisy-cutter bombs on Seattle just cuz BIDEN: I'll have the Bob Salad — ha, COBB Salad, whoops. NYT: Biden's Gaffe Sends Shockwaves Through Democratic Party; Trump Pledges Infrastructure Changes to Northwest
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
Preemptive hurricane reminder that just because Texas is a voter suppressed state whose vocal minority leadership wants the rest of us dead doesn’t mean the actual citizens of Texas don’t deserve to live/aid.
Last Supper Stitch: filling in the table leg holes
Last Supper Stitch: sturdifying the table legs
Got talking with @newedgeswordmag.bsky.social about the eternal quest for sustainable pay rates. Realized I was describing a chart, so I scraped some stuff from @diabolicalplots.com Submission Grinder and figured I'd share. This represents SEVERAL ecosystems and no value judgments are implied.
Biden's mental acuity completely aside, any time I see stories about "elite Democratic donors" that include people like "Disney heiresses" talking to the press to get their way my immediate reaction is to think "fuck those people, how can I help ruin their plans"
My darlings, the everything is a lot. Be kind. That means to yourself too. Radically fucking kind. Anger may get shit done, but you cannot mend a break with a hammer. You can’t stitch a heart with despair. You deserve space to breathe. And learn. And grow. And be. You are here. Stay.
no exaggeration to say that joining the augur society team has improved my life in every measurable way. it's a true privilege to work with such passionate people, and I learn every day. if you have time in your schedule and any interest in marketing or lit events, please consider applying 🌌
Love Augur Society? Time to get on board! 👈 We're looking for enthusiastic, creative, scifi/fantasy-obsessed Augurians for our our programming and marketing projects! Apply now: augurmag.com/join-augur-m... #augurmagazine #canlit
Last Supper Stitch: yet more toeses
Last Supper Stitch: a few toes
Last Supper Stitch: some twiggy table legs
Gentle reminder to check the source before spreading news (and in those days of AI sigh, if you have two sources check that one isn't directly reposting the other) You can for instance check the social media of the source/journalists. The original source, not the requoting
UK friends, please don't assume this is a given. Get out and vote!
Guidance for US people trying to understand the UK election results later: Tories under 150 seats: LOL Tories under 120 seats: LMAO Tories under 100 seats: ROFL