
Imma gently tap that sign again. This is how Adobe treats their userbase, especially after baiting them in with sales. You deserve FAR better than to be caught up in predatory subscription tactics. Need an alternative but don't know where to look? XdanielArt made this for us. Pass it around!
Even in leaving they take more money. But finally, it is done πŸ₯³ #DownwithAI
ℍ𝔼𝕐! β„π”Όπ”Έπ”»π•Š π•Œβ„™ 𝔸𝔻𝕆𝔹𝔼 π•Œπ•Šπ”Όβ„π•Š! ℂ𝔸ℕℂ𝔼𝕃 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝔽ℝ𝔼𝔼! Alt text for a link to the article, in case it goes away...
So very glad I could help, but I gotta mute this thread. Don't forget to give the same love to Op, up above!β˜οΈβ¬†οΈβ€οΈ They started this, and provided a HUGE list of free alternatives!
Hold the phone. There's a Cancellation fee as part of this pay to rent nonsense?
[the aristocrats voice] adobe!!
Unfortunately, yes. They use it in combination with trying to squeeze out another year's worth of subscription money by trying to sweeten the deal with a discounted sale. Basically trying whatever skeevy trick they can to keep you from slipping away.
And also make it cost more per month for the by-monthly to try to entice you to go for yearly. Like. Can do prepaid for the year, but not everyone has that kinda cash, and they act like "Oh, this is just x per month!" while slipping in somewhere "And if you cancel, you have to pay the remaining"
Im just learning about this too, lmao You miss these things when you learn to 'yar-har fiddle dee-dee" software and never stop
Aye, they continue this sort of misbehavior towards their client base and wonder why the privateering never stopped. πŸ™„
Oh god yes. The Adobe exit fees are Significant.
I usually just recommend having a little chat with the Bank and or Credit Union to cancell all charges like one would with any other online scammer.
Thanks, but can you please not do that with symbols because it's completely inaccessible to screen reader users. What they'll hear is: "Mathematical double-struck capital H mathematical double-struck capital E mathematical double-struck capital Y..."
Also, alt text isn't for putting URLs in, it's strictly for a description of the contents of the image. Thank you.
I do hope the Alt Text I provided for XdanielArt's poster wasn't tedious to listen to.
I'm not speaking as a sight-impaired user myself, but that was the full text of the image which is the good thing to do 😊
Whew, thanks for letting me know! I got worried when I hit the Alt Text limit before making the decision to split the poster.
It is *much* preferred to split it when it can't fit in one image <3 Esp considering, having it run out mid-sentence is jarring at best. Using the same image, or using an alt-text placeholder (like below) works well for that ^^ Helps us blind folks to get the info ;P
At least on my phone, it reads it as text. I think NVDA is usually less kind about that tho >.> Iunno why TalkBack is better about it but it always catches me off guard >_O
Still far better to not use those kinda things for text tho :') Most of the time it either gets ignored or it reads out math symbols, pending on the unicode and depending on how the SR is set to interpret it. Which. Honestly might be why TalkBack handles it better actually >.>
Oof. Good tip but you know Adobe's gonna put a stop to this if word of it gets to them
Not really sure they can, but depends on the country In the UK, legally, there is a 14 day cooling off period to cancel a contract
You can just contact the Bank or Credit Union to cancel ALL fees from ANY BUSINESS charging you, and they'll replace your card as well.
Also Affinity 50% sale for that reason ;) Sadly they are not 1:1 exportable with Adobe programs.
Exportable, not so much. I know Affinity Photo can import .psd files, though. So that's a plus.
THAT'S how I do it, shit! I was trying to figure out why it wasn't free after I changed plans, and its because I didn't cancel immediately
This doesn't actually work because we tried to do this exact thing recently and we're still stuck with a cancellation fee. However you can contact them with customer support and say that you don't need Photoshop anymore because you get it via work now and we were cancelled without any fuss.
Aye, one of the bigger headaches with any subscription service is dodging the additional sales pitches to try and keep you on the hook. -.-
I'd just contact the Bank or Credit Union to cancel all fees from any business you choose-this is excellent for dealing with scammers btw-and they'll replace your card as well.
I did this when I cancelled my Adobe subscription earlier this year and can confirm it worked at least at the time.
wait, wait, wait, actually have to pay a cancel a subscription? holy shit, just when i think these assholes can't get any worse, they pull shit like this thank celestia i switched to clip studio
That.... seems like a lot of work. For what I do, GIMP handles it fine, fast, and free.
That's awesome. ^^ I may not have had as good of luck with GIMP, but I'm glad it's served you well! There's good reason why it has lasted this long.
the beauty of it. find what works for your process.
If you're looking for alternatives and OK about changing your workflow, this list (not mine) is a few years old now but worth looking at
What if you're already on the cheapest plan? Does it work if you move to a higher one?