
bidets are the next stage in the historical material process of ass cleaning. live in butthole feudalism if you insist, but don’t get spiteful when fully automated luxury tuchus communism happens & you aren’t invited because you left your fartbox in the dark ages covered in shit & kleenex scraps.
goooooooooood morning campers and welcome to trash tuesday. just like a comet it’s here now and who knows when it’ll be back again so give it all you got show me those brain worms and let’s have some fun
We are just skipping over wet wipes?!
yes. wet wipes clog your pipes & create fatbergs in sewer systems that civil engineers have to go underground to fight ghostbusters style.
Fatberg -
seriously tho: wet wipes create giant fatbergs of shit & cloth in the sewer systems that civil engineers / sanitation workers then have to fight underground like poopsmith ghostbusters. do not buy wet wipes. even the ones that say they are “flushable”. buy a bidet instead for an extra like $20.
Thank you for speaking up in support of the Poopsmith, as he has canonically taken a vow of silence.