
lord help us my mother has started lurking on the interwebs and reading the things the youngs say and last week I had to explain what AFAB stands for and 3 days ago she asked what the C in ACAB stands for and I have found out she told my dad that I explained to her ACAB is Assigned Cop At Birth fml
About a decade back, I was home on vacation, in the kitchen, innocently making myself a sandwich. Mom: "Oh, I heard something on NPR I was hoping you could explain!" Me, thinking it'd be a LotR/D&D thing: "Sure!" Mom: "What's a 'safeword'?"
I explained dental dams as STI prevention to my mom at age 17. Seared in my memory forever. 😃
Ohhh god. Mom tried to give me the Advanced Talk--"you know about using spermicidal lubricant with condoms, right?"--while I was watching the scene in Grease 2 where someone fakes a nuclear attack for sexual purposes. ...I don't put it past the woman to have been trolling me for 20-odd years.
I had to define "boner" for my mom when I was 13. My 13 year old brain searching for the biological term. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
My mother (RIP) did like to keep current on new lingo, but she was also a very devout and conservative woman. One time she asked me if I could tell her the definition of a word she’d heard. My wife texted me (so Mom wouldn’t hear) and said “She’s gonna ask what “queefing” means.” (1/2)
(2/2) Fortunately for all involved, the word was “hashtag.”
Postscript: Last year, after Mom had passed, Mom’s sister was visiting her brother and sister-in-law. (Mom was the oldest of three children.) She noticed the game Cards Against Humanity and wanted to play it. My cousin reports that she won. So maybe Mom would have known “queefing” after all.
Well that is a heck of a story.