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I post about a lot of random stuff that catches my attention. I don't have any qualifications outside of computer science and security. Posts will range from self-advertising to politics to health care.

Also at: @[email protected]
I am at a complete loss as to how to react to the last week and a half of Supreme Court decisions. I want to yell. I want to rage. And I really just want to break something... I want President Biden to do something outrageous enough to make the most recent ruling so wrong that it gets reversed....
the menu is complete! thanks everyone for the suggestions
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👋 It's me! I'm people! Since 2007, my wife has paid twice what she borrowed for her student loans and still owes about 160% of the original amount.
Just some more personal responsibility washing from the ghouls over at the Washington post. Because home energy use for AC is totally the problem. Not climate control on mostly empty office buildings, or massive crypto server farms, or cloud infra in general
You don’t have to run your air conditioner 24 hours a day. Here’s what to Adjusting your thermostat a couple of degrees warmer than what you normally keep it at could produce small savings that add up over time, one expert says.
Does this qualify as putting your money where your mouth is? Because I feel like this is a step beyond that. Absolutely huge news from and I can't wait to see how this plays out over the next decade and more.
Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure | To ensure our mission always comes first, Proton is transitioning to a non-profit structure and formalizing our promise of people before profits.
Avatar Get fucked Ron. Maybe stop passing facially unconstitutional rules targeted at marginalized groups. Maybe pass laws that actually help your citizens and the next time you try to run for president you won't get laughed out of the room.
Avatar going through your lightning most recent lightning round video on and from what data I can readily find (Wikipedia) the most recent solar storm is by conservative measures half the power of the Carrington event.
So Utah, having passed a transphobic bathroom bill, has launched an online form for people to snitch on folks they think are in the "wrong" bathroom or locker room. Be a real shame if people on the Internet flooded it with fake reports:
Hotline Complaint
“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,” Lee said at an event in Gallatin No Governor Lee. I think these workers looked at what was going on in the industry and realized that their hands alone don't have the leverage to safeguard their future. Party of small Gov everyone.
Tennessee's GOP governor says Volkswagen plant workers made a mistake in union Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Lee says he thinks workers at a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga made a mistake by voting to unionize under the United Auto Workers.
The party of small government everybody! Interfering once again in the process of free enterprise. I think it is self-evident that when companies are able to lobby hard enough to get the government to push back against unions the unions are absolutely needed.
Gov. McMaster issues joint statement against auto worker unionization Governor Henry McMaster and six other Southern Republican governors released a joint statement opposing the United Auto Workers (UAW) unionization campaign.
I think I understand the crypto bros now. I own something of theoretically limited supply and with zero practical value. But if anybody were to ever take them from me, I would not be happy.
If this is what it takes to be a content creator online, I don't think I'm cut out for it read: TL;DR, I’m going to finish up my current ongoing projects, and then I’m going to be taking an indefinite break from making content
Avatar It's not enough, it's not nearly enough. The wording is vague and I think purposefully so. It also leaves the blessing open to abuse by priests. This also doesn't actually seem to change anything about how the church considered LGBTQ individuals...
Pope says Roman Catholic priests can bless same-sex Announcing the change, the Vatican emphasised that it continues to view marriage as between a man and a woman.
Ding dong the Kiss is dead!
just a friendly reminder this Thanksgiving. Stay safe, don't blow up the turkey, don't let your insurrectionist family members ruin family dinner
From all of us here at Extra Credits, ⁠ ⁠ We hope you have a safe and happy Friendsgiving.⁠ ⁠ Eat lots of food and have lots of fun with your loved ones! ⁠ ⁠
Oy! Streamers! Back Up Your Scenes in OBS! You can just run an Export on a full scene collection. The file's tiny and it can save you a Ton of time and energy if something happens to your installation.
We've talked about it more than any other F2P MMO, and today, we're finally taking a look at Realm of the Mad God! Come hang out as we poke this mish-mash of buzzwords with a stick!
There is currently a bill named "The Kids Online Safety Act" or KOSA working its way through congress. This bill would allow state AGs to decide what content to block from the internet if they decide it might be harmful to minors. This bill is a bad idea 1/n
Tell the Senate: KOSA Will Censor the Internet But Won't Help The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) would censor the internet and would make government officials the arbiters of what young people can see online. It will likely lead to age verification, handing more ...
It has been more than 6 years (of experts debunking this with scientific evidence). If they thought they were experiencing radiation poisoning from polonium exposure would they discount nuclear physicists? I doubt it. So why are drugs, & specifically fentanyl, the exception to common sense & reason?
Florida cops slammed over claims officer suffered fentanyl Florida cops claimed Deputy Nick Huzior overdosed on fentanyl after he was exposed to it during a traffic stop. But experts have dismissed the claims as unscientific nonsense.
earlier this summer, Sylvia Swayne, 26, called her state rep in Alabama about the state’s “What is a Woman” bill — and learned he’d quietly resigned. now she’s running in a Sept. 26 special election for the seat as the state’s first openly trans candidate.
Sylvia Swayne's Special Election Campaign Has a Lot of Both for her and for the state of Alabama.
Avatar Just in case you aren't angry enough today, Danaher and Cepheid make an incredibly useful tool for diagnosing TB. They also charge a 200-500% margin for the proprietary test cartridges to those machines making them prohibitively expensive for the most at risk nations /n
Barely Contained Rage: An Open Letter to Danaher and Email Danaher and let them know you won't stand for price-gouging poor countries: [email protected], since investor relations are all they seem ...
Avatar Well that's a thoroughly disturbing blog post from a company that seems to have completely lost the plot. As a hobbyist game dev who would maybe like to make something and sell it. I think I'm going to give epic games my money now.
End of feed.