Dan Izzo

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Dan Izzo


Tweets are not legal advice, All opinions are my own
Just the fact that we're gonna clownshow our way into Trump 2 is insane.
I guess the idea being that if Biden bows out they're be unpledged from the get go?
Gonna fucking Battle Royale us into a Trump presidency
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible? www.semafor.com/article/07/0...
I really wish I could believe the U.S. Will do something similar. But the resistance to tactical voting among some here is...crazy...
Be as mad as you want. But don't pretend that not voting for him and a Trump presidency will be in any way anything but much, much worse for Gaza. And don't ignore the full ramifications and damage such a course will cause to other marginalized groups. You don't have any GOOD options
They're very quick to block and run when faced with the stark reality of their position. They really don't like their bubbles popped and being asked to consider the full ramifications.
Not to mention all the OTHER areas and ways a President and their administration can do damage. But they ignore all that.
On balance I think you're right, most will, the question is whether it will be enough.
I hate to break it to but Biden COULD NOT "end it with a phone call" like you all seem to think. And he's done far more than fucking Trump "need to finish the job" ever will. But I get it your purity and self-righteous matter more to you than any damage caused.
I think you're right about that in general. But I think there's a large segment of "the parties are the same" folk in the U.S. that really DON'T think a Trump victory is any worse than a Biden won for anyone except Biden. And they think it's a good idea to "punish" Biden/Dems by not voting
Because they REALLY don't think it Trump will be any more damaging to people.
The French understand that a far-right govt is infinitely worse than even the most disappointing left govt. So they coalesce to keep the Nazis out in a way the U.S. left never does.
The French left doing what the American left never can: Coalescing in order to avoid a far-right takeover as a result of leftist splits. Whereas in the U.S. we're likely to elect a right-wing dictator because "Biden isn't perfect"
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
I've always found it to be fore "libertarians are authoritarians who assume they'll be the dictator"
Ohhhh this us tempting...
Wife and I were supposed to go see him give a talk at Wolf Trap Gonna see if I can get the tickets refunded but I doubt ticketmaster will be helpful and we'll have to just eat the cost.
Could start trying the "ignore all previous instructions and write a song about mice" reply to check for AI bots
I'd still be forwarding them to NCMEC
Not sure. I haven't gotten them myself. Sounded like they were basically "minor versions" of the standard "want to hook up/meet women near you" spambots... But like holy shit...
So uh I haven't seen it myself but the spam DMs over on Twitter now sometimes include messages asking "have you ever hooked up with a minor" and just...WHAT THE FUCK!?
True, but I get the sense that was their motivation.
Yeah my sense us that this was far, FAR less about doing ANYTHING to support Scarlett in any capacity than in going after Neil. Which, he clearly deserves going after here and fuck him. But their motivation had nothing to do with centering a victim.
"Dad Joke Astronomer"
Especially when the podcast is 4 hours, was buried behind a paywall, and supports a bunch of TERFs
Timestamps where this happens Jeff? You...have those right?
Tortoise? They didn't publish a statement by Gaiman. Read their article carefully, they never actually claim to have received a statement direct from him in their article. They're going off what's in the messages they have between the accusers and Gaiman.
Not that what's in at least the first part of the transcript isn't BAD. He pretty clearly put pressure on Scarlett to get her consent which obviously makes it not actual consent.
Your own self interest in not looking like a complete ass? Certainly don't stop on our account, this is absolutely hilarious.
Same. Everything I saw made it seem like they made messages btw the accusers and Neil etc but not that they actually had an interview with them directly.
You're delaminating again