
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
Wait… chosen using ranked choice voting before the convention? How would the convention voting go? The delegates are still pledged to Biden so the first round would be a dead letter and then they’re all unpledged and not bound by any pre-convention anything.
I guess the idea being that if Biden bows out they're be unpledged from the get go?
Functionally they would be (first round is a wash no matter what, then it’s a free for all). But there’s nothing to force them to adhere to the outcome of the ranked-choice vote.
Just the fact that we're gonna clownshow our way into Trump 2 is insane.
I also can’t imagine who’d want to run against Harris in that “blitz” and run the risk of actually winning the nomination over her. I’d rather get kicked in the balls repeatedly than be “white dude who stole the nomination from the first black woman vice president”.
With significantly less name recognition to get slaughtered in November