Jack Morris

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Jack Morris


Reader of books. Watcher of films. Drinker of coffee. What you'd call "a bit of a mess" 🏳️‍🌈 queer
ABBA and Reel Big Fish It's no wonder I've turned out the way I have.
a man asked me what i grew up listening to and lord will this be the most chaotic mix of the century motown and hair metal
It is, and always will be, Mystery Men
name your fav superhero film.
I try not to socialise with too many people, so I don't get coerced into doing a Tik Tok dance.
No, no, I'm not asking to join a cult. That'd be ridiculous. Here at "The Collective", we're so much more than that.
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I want films to go back to being released under different titles. I'm currently watching "Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker", "Night Warning", or "The Evil Protege" - take your pick of a title.
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So it turns out I can be a fully functioning, unproblematic member of society, as long as I have constant supervision.
"Do you want to hear an absolute belter of a tune about the concept of "Twink death"?" If someone ever sends you a message asking this question, always answer with "yes".
I do hope Longlegs lives up to the wildly high expectations I have built up for it.
I fucked a woman this weekend that had never seen any of the Ocean's movies - and yet, I still love her
Someone's saying that George Clooney never made a good movie? DAMN! We're in a tight spot!
Maybe two bottles of wine was not a good idea
Stop putting librarians and people in charge of reprographics under the same job - they are two wildly different things
When I was a librarian at a private school, I had "Lord of the Library" as my email signature for only a day, as I emailed the principal, and she said "whilst I appreciate your newly appointed title, can we go for something a little more professional"
Gonna start signing off all work emails with Snootchiest Bootchies and see how long it takes me to get fired.
If you think it, they will cum (Thank you Field of dreams)
oh i promise you, as a sex worker, there are infinite weird things
As an example of "body horror" - I'm going with "Death Becomes Her", especially the scene on the church steps at end of the movie
What’s a movie that isn’t usually considered a horror movie but that absolutely is one? I’ll start with the hackest example: “Her”
Are we positive that rock and roll is a suitable foundation to build a city on?
After living in the Middle East for 7 years, I approve this sentiment.
Sometimes I eat turkey bacon but that’s not who I am
Sent a message to someone earlier spilling my guts out about how awful I currently feel, only to follow it up with "ignore that previous message, I just got angry with myself in the shower"
Jay and Silent Bob strike Back to the Future
Merge two films Alien Princess Diaries
Fuck yes! I've finally achieved one of these "by the age of......" things.
By age 35, you should be clinically depressed
This might be the wine talking, but I feel like "Frisky Dingo" doesn't get talked about enough.
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Football’s coming home but its train has been cancelled and it’s waiting on the substitute bus. Also can it crash at yours for a while? There doesn’t seem to be anywhere affordable to rent at the moment.
I'm hot, but mostly because I have a fever (and my antidepressants cause excessive sweating)
me being the local sickly girl but still Cute™
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Thinking of just starting to post a load of selfies on my various social media accounts, so I can put "model" in my bio.