Jackie Lau

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Jackie Lau


Romance reader/writer. Latest release: Love, Lies, and Cherry Pie. Coming August 27: Three Reasons to Run. She/her. jackielaubooks.com
Reposted byAvatar Jackie Lau
But here's the real info you need to know about Max Mok: He takes off his glasses and then tells Kim that she's a good girl.
Max Mok has four weddings to attend this year...and he'll see Kimberly Sung at every single one. Four Weddings to Fall in Love is on sale for one week only! AMZ: bit.ly/3WYTVG9 Kobo: bit.ly/3oN7X1b B&N: bit.ly/3ClgYBv Apple: bit.ly/3oSnInt Google: bit.ly/3pOV6Me
Max Mok has four weddings to attend this year...and he'll see Kimberly Sung at every single one. Four Weddings to Fall in Love is on sale for one week only! AMZ: bit.ly/3WYTVG9 Kobo: bit.ly/3oN7X1b B&N: bit.ly/3ClgYBv Apple: bit.ly/3oSnInt Google: bit.ly/3pOV6Me
Reposted byAvatar Jackie Lau
So were writers who use Word and have Microsoft 365 subscriptions able to write this morning?
IMHO Ozzie is the best part of That 90s Show
Reposted byAvatar Jackie Lau
2 weeks to find $735 for rent or I'm homeless. I'm trying to work as much as I can, but I can't make people order delivery & I feel so guilty for continuing to need help. Please help this disabled queer stay housed! 🙏 #MutualAid #helpsky 💸💕 paypal.me/rookkilljoy CA/VM: foxrook gofund.me/e194c4cf
This past week has been horrible doing gig work and trying to survive, I'm now going to have to focus on rent. I am so sorry to request help again. A little over 2 weeks to find $735. Please help a disabled queer stay housed! 💸💕 #helpsky #rent paypal.me/rookkilljoy CA/VM: foxrook
Pay Brandi Michelle Burnett using PayPal.Mepaypal.me Go to paypal.me/rookkilljoy and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Help marginalized gigworker survive, organized by Brandi Michelle Burnettgofund.me Hi everyone! I wanted to make a proper update to explain that I am moving … Brandi Michelle Burnett needs your support for Help marginalized gigworker survive
Reposted byAvatar Jackie Lau
Three Reasons to Run will be out next month! Preorder: AMZ: bit.ly/45wPsPt Kobo: bit.ly/4b3a7eY B&N: bit.ly/4crZLGw Apple: apple.co/3VwY1VT
Hadn't realized that one Toronto flooding video I'd seen multiple times was Drake's house...
We didn't have much warning about the storm today. Like, we know it was going to rain, but when my husband checked the forecast with breakfast (~7:30), it said only 5-10 mm, and we ended up getting 10x that. I got an alert on my phone at 9/9:30, around the time the rain started.
Fifth highest rainfall ever recorded in Toronto, apparently (almost 100 mm/4 inches).
My dad's power just went out while were on the phone. He doesn't have data on his phone so he's going to call me for updates in an hour if it's still off then 😬
Reposted byAvatar Jackie Lau
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Three Reasons to Run will be out next month! Preorder: AMZ: bit.ly/45wPsPt Kobo: bit.ly/4b3a7eY B&N: bit.ly/4crZLGw Apple: apple.co/3VwY1VT
It stormed here this morning, and now there are mass power outages in the west half of Toronto. The time to wait to REPORT an outage through the Toronto Hydro website is over half an hour.
omg I've been seeing so many AI animal pics on Facebook recently
In my WIP, there is zero--and I do mean zero--physical attraction between the MCs yet, and I've written 11.5k words. They've even kissed twice. There's not supposed to be any until like 25-40%.
Reposted byAvatar Jackie Lau
It's Give Something Away Day, so 88 authors of sapphic fiction have joined forces to put together the biggest sapphic book giveaway of the year, with a total of 100 sapphic books, 18 of them free for everyone to download! Check out the event on my website: jae-fiction.com/give-somethi...
Reposted byAvatar Jackie Lau
I have written ninety-three incoherent quote tweets composed of 79% exclamation points. I swear to fucking god.
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's candidacywww.axios.com Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
Reposted byAvatar Jackie Lau
Sure, Leo, I bet that will work out real well for you... Preorder Three Reasons to Run: AMZ: bit.ly/45wPsPt Kobo: bit.ly/4b3a7eY B&N: bit.ly/4crZLGw Apple: apple.co/3VwY1VT
Reposted byAvatar Jackie Lau
Oooh, WINDS OF THE STORM by Beverly Jenkins is only $1.99 today! amzn.to/4eZqi05 #romancelandia
Reposted byAvatar Jackie Lau
Apparently, it is Nonbinary Day, and I happen to be nonbinary and an author! Check out my latest books where basically everyone is queer, plus both leads are ND, and there's murder, mysteries, monsters, and more🫀
THE REANIMATOR'S HEART is out in ebook, audio, & paperback! Grab your copy if you want 💀Pushing Daisies x Sleepy Hollow 🫀An autistic necromancer ⚰️His reanimated crush 🪦And the crimes that bring them together 🏳️‍🌈MM paranormal romance in 1890s NYC books2read.com/trm1 Book 2 is out now & 3 in Oct 🌈📚
Sure, Leo, I bet that will work out real well for you... Preorder Three Reasons to Run: AMZ: bit.ly/45wPsPt Kobo: bit.ly/4b3a7eY B&N: bit.ly/4crZLGw Apple: apple.co/3VwY1VT
sure, Amazon, I believe a "Age Gap, Reverse Harem, Secret Pregnancy Mafia Romance" belongs in Amish romance. Having said that...the top 100 Amish romance list actually seems to include a number of Amish romances now, so maybe some kind of progress is being made?
Reposted byAvatar Jackie Lau
Had a fifteen-minute phone call with my dad that somehow included three raccoon stories 😂
Yvonne Siu is supposed to get married soon, but she's having doubts... Read the prologue and first chapter of Three Reasons to Run on my website! Coming August 27. jackielaubooks.com/books/three-...
Started a first draft (Weddings with the Moks 3) and wrote 2100 words today!