
*If* things turn out this way, I'm deriving a little bit of comfort from the prospect of a "prosecutor vs felon" framing of the two presidential candidates. Yes, Harris is a cop, and yes, that was one of my reasons for ranking her near the bottom of my list in 2020 (as Biden's age was for him), but
being a cop might not be a terrible trait in a candidate right about now.
"I've put lots of felons behind bars, this would be my first time debating one "
"This felon I'm debating is not legally able to own a firearm in 23 states "
" We don't let felons have handguns, why give him the nuclear codes"
I’m more bullish on Harris as a candidate than most, but the doubt that being a cop will help her any more than being a war hero helped Kerry.
“cop” on her biography might not help much but i think a prosecutor’s instincts might go a long way against this particular opponent personally i don’t want biden replaced but they should put her out front to make the campaign’s case
I don’t know what to do about Biden, but I have been convinced that if he does step down, he has to be replaced by Harris. Obviously, Harris’ primary didn’t go great, but as you point out, she has a lot of skills that could make her effective.
Was she a cop? I don't think cops and DAs are the same at all. For a lot of DAs it's just another lawyer gig they do for a while. Lots of my former students started out at the DAs office to get experience and then switched to defense work.
"a cop" in the derogatory internet discourse sense, not actually. (But she seems was a prosecutor for 20 years; she did not seem to view the job the way you're describing.)
I call her a cop too. But even her coppiest coppy things are useful here. She was a bad cop in all the ways that would undercut GOP attacks on her.
If she’s the nominee, I hope she picks Shapiro. Then it’s TWO prosecutors.
Shapiro would be a good pick and tough campaigner, but please don't take a very good Governor from a purple state
Harris would need him to have a chance to win PA and MI (too many pesky midwestern whites). Or she can try Cooper for the alternate route of GA/NC.
This scenario involves pretending misogyny and racism do not exist.