Jade Ottsel

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Jade Ottsel


(Icon Art by Tracy Bailey!)
* She/Her
* Big Ol' Disney, Animation, 80s/90s movies, Musicals, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, Animatronics Nerd!
* Shy, doesn't bite, but doesn't take shit either!
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Breaking news: the cat is in the box again
...Is it bad I'm relieved Seth Rogen's pitch for a Darkwing reboot got turned down? lmao...I saw the concept art and heard about some of the concepts and...Oof. OOF. OOOOOF. xP
I watch people stream at the Disney Parks on Youtube nowadays! I can't go there myself now, 'cause the price and I have to care for my dad who's more or less immobile these days. ;-;
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There was this guy in college who would yell "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE THEY REALLY ARE DEVILED EGGS" and then start convulsing on the ground after taking a bite if someone had them at a BBQ. It was a good bit.
My sister told me there was a guy in her dorm her first year of college who would “pretend to be possessed every month” I asked her what made him do it, and she looked very thoughtful and said “I think he just liked having girls take care of him”
You can leanr a lot about a person based on who their favorite muppet is. (Close second is Rowlf!)
You can learn a lot about a person based on who their favorite muppet is.
Having WAY too much fun with ff14's Pictomancer...feel like I'm part of the "Disney Afternoon" Opening bit with this paintbrush though. xD;
Half of me loves all of that stuff. But the other half of me agrees: It's WAY too heckin' early for Spooky Season stuff. At least wait til towards the end of August, holy hell. lol
Figured I might as well put a pic of her up, since I don't think I've done so yet on this place...my character on Final Fantasy 14! I'm a white mage main. ^^
That's Patches from Catena! I'd recognize her little 80's crazed self anywhere. :D
If you see this post a ghost
if you see this post a ghost
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Wasn’t half the show about them avoiding being eaten by gargamel
🥚 Eggs: Devilled, Poached, or Benedict! 🥩 Steak: Medium; I like a bit of pink. 🥛 Milk: Lactaid, any kind...regular milk upsets my stomach. 🥃 Alcohol: Not a big alcohol drinker, I do like mixed fruity cocktails every now and then though. 🍵 Warm drink: Cocoa or Fruity Teas!
🥚 Eggs: Scrambled, omelet, frittata, poached, eggs benedict 🥩 Steak: Medium 🥛 Milk: 2% or skim 🥃 Alcohol: None 🍵 Warm drink: Tea; hot cocoa (in winter months)
Because I was asked to cross-post this by a friend xD (template by user m4morine on Twitter!)
five films you can watch over and over? (The Fifth one is Blues Brothers; I can only put four pictures. ^^; )
five films you can watch over and over?
Picture of the staff who run this Bluesky account:
Picture of the staff who run this Bluesky account
No, not my own pathetic monkey brain throwing the "You're a Ghostbuster Rookie" dreams at me now when I sleep, I thought I was past that phase dammit. Dx
My maternal grandmother introduced me to eating offal (chicken gizzards and hearts mostly) as a youngster; never am I scared to eat it, just mildly afraid to mention I like it to others xD;
Let's see... - Beef Tongue (It's so tender and flavorful if cooked correctly!) - LOVE Artichokes; some people are daunted by them because they're strange to eat. - I do occasionally love pineapple and anchovies on pizza *not together though!*
"i don't like mayo" "i don't like diet coke" ok what DO you like what food do you like that's just a little controversial personally i fuck heavily with anchovies on pizza. also sardines from a can. also i love blue cheese. none of that's like. THAT weird. but people have resistance to it!
Robin Hood: Men in Tights The Producers (both of them!) Dracula: Dead and Loving It
....AAAND CAN'T SLEEP. There has been a Mockingbird singing and SCREECHING all night so far here. Lord H E L P Me.
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No idea, though any store that fillets trout is cool in my book. (i love trout but hate the millions of bones they have xD)
To be fresh. Or to be actual beef. Either one works I guess. ^^; lol
How could anyone be afraid of her? She's got the expression of someone with the IQ of a bowl of soggy cornflakes. In soured milk no less. xP
I actually super loved the Ducktales reboot, the writing was top notch! I was really attached to Donald's sister, Della, in the show. ^^
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Blacked out and filled out a sketchbook page with an OC I’ve been thinking a lot about lately 🤗
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😩🙌 OC fixation continues! Prydwen Finch
Using an image, show a movie you've seen more than 10 times (Yes, I know I've done this before, but there's more movies I've seen more than 10 times. xD)
Using an image, show a movie you’ve seen more than 10 times (Geez give us a hard one next time!)