
I feel like we already lost. Even if Biden wins in 2024, which looks harder to do every day, does it matter? When this much of the population wants fascism, and this many will threaten whoever he wants threatened, how do we work as a county?
But then, I'm feeling down in another way, so maybe my pessimism is just reflecting that.
I was about to ask... Okay, to your opening post, I don't think Trumpism dies with Trump (who does not look well so I'm guessing not many more years). I do think it weakens and begins to fragment without him. Big difference to its power. We'll see how it goes from there. I'm cautiously optimistic.
I think you're right about that, but the biggest strand will be a less buffoonish fascism. But that aside, that's not quite what I'm worried about. I'm worried about what lies beneath the power. If we control everything, but 35% want us dead and are violent about it, how does it work?
Oh, it's nowhere near 35%. That's only eligible voters. Total population, it's more like 18, 19%. That isn't new. Those have been around since the birth of the nation as we know it. They've just been emboldened recently. If that changes, a lot else changes with it, just as it has historically.
And on the other thing, she dumped me a year ago and I can't shake her out of my mind and it's really bothering me.
Aw hell. That's so hard. Been there. Sympathies!
I’m writing about the current “let’s get rid of the 22nd amendment” trial balloon being floated by the right and it’s real hard not to feel doomer about it all.
Yea, I agree. They're so post-truth that it doesn't matter that such a push entirely invalidates their primary anti-Biden argument. And their power is no longer tied to electoral outcomes. And they just threaten judges who won't go along anyway. I don't know what success looks like anymore.
These people are mostly lazy, and the entire Right Wing is busy grifting off each other. It's a slog for sure, but it's not that dire.
We can look at how other states have put down their fascist uprisings and ask ourselves if we can do the same.
Right. I just don't know if we can. Is there any precedent for not going fascist when it's 30-40%?
Germany isn’t fascist anymore. And all it took was a world war and foreign occupation.
Kind of what I mean by losing...