James B. Jones

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James B. Jones


Award-winning video game wordslinger | not-so-award-winning author | Narrative Design Lead @ Firewalk Studios | Oxford comma enthusiast | baseball nut | son of Detroit | DMs Open
Melonie Mac becoming a full-on Christian Nationalist was... actually, yes, it was on my Bingo card. It was the Free Space right there in the middle of the card. Easiest prediction of 2024, really.
He did. In less than two years, if memory serves.
Reposted byAvatar James B. Jones
Speaking of, if you live in California, please text “Sign PGHZOY” and “sign PHQICF” to 50409 to encourage your reps to join calls for an independent investigation with public disclosure into allegations against BH city officials colluded with antiabortion extremists to prevent a clinic from opening.
This is a really good time if you're not already connected to local groups and organizations organizing around particular issues to find ones in your communities that could use your talents and skills.
How Beverly Hills became an unlikely battleground for the future of abortion rightswww.yahoo.com The campaign by an antiabortion group to block the opening of a specialized clinic in Beverly Hills may offer a playbook for similar efforts in other cities and states.
And here I thought Wisconsin was open carry. I thought they loved that shit.
Video game development and, depending on where you live, it's either John, James, Daniel, or Guillaume.
Dude, even one of my mother's friends - who is a die-hard Trump supporter - was cracking jokes about Trump. Shit like "damn, guess my check didn't clear" and whatnot. ...I never said it was a particularly clever joke but still pretty wild to hear it come from somebody wearing a MAGA hat...
So what stage of "old" is it when you look at Amazon Prime Day as a golden opportunity to buy teeth whitening strips?
Picking Vance, arguably the most reprehensible sack of shit in the US Senate (and certainly the least qualified), as his VP nominee is only further proof that Trump is all-in on Project 2025.
Look, we all knew the fix was in right from the start, but could be swine at least PRETEND to do their duty before giving Trump a pass? The brazenness of it all is insulting to my intelligence.
The federal judge overseeing the case alleging Trump mishandled classified documents after leaving the White House has dismissed the charges against him
Trump documents case dismissed by federal judgewww.cbsnews.com U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump's bid to dismiss the indictment.
Reposted byAvatar James B. Jones
the general vibe at the moment
Absolutely fucking not, Kate.
Bro you waited a YEAR to reply.
You just babble for attention right
In light of today’s heavy news I had to look and, indeed, Nick Castellanos did hit a home run.
This will garner a sensible chuckle from a very specific demographic.
Okay now I know that internet brain rot has impacted me personally because I’m already tired of hearing about today’s news.
Whatever it is that we *actually* learn in the coming days, there is no way Trump’s cult of personality doesn’t retaliate against whoever they *think* is responsible.
Reposted byAvatar James B. Jones
i don’t know jamelle bouie but it’s clear that he’s been here engaging with people because he’s about the same things most of us are. if you’ve tried to run him off for having bosses as bad as yours you've done nothing with time you could've spent doing something. you're just playing video games
I hadn’t posted in over a year until two days ago, and that was to tell people this was going to happen and follow me on other platforms. Posting this here for when some spambot inevitably snipes the screenname.
Reposted byAvatar James B. Jones
(drake rapping in 2025) hey kendrick it's been a while. first of all it's "ephebophile"
You an aspiring video game dev but aren't sure where to start? There is a Humble Bundle right now that has a bunch of tutorials for Unity, Unreal, Godot, and even Game Maker Studio (my preferred engine of choice). Tutorials should never be your ONLY source to learn, but they are a damn useful tool.
Learn GameDev with Godot, Unreal, Unity & GameMakerwww.humblebundle.com Wanna be a game maker? Choose your engine! This bundle includes courses on Unity, Unreal, Godot, and much more! Your purchase helps Code.org.
I mean, if you HAVE to pick a side... you picked the right one.
As I said.
It’s not some grand conspiracy to say that the American news media has decided that Biden will not be president come 2025. They aren’t in cahoots. They simply see that there is ore to be mined from the “is Biden fit?” vein.
A lot of Biden's verbal tics - the changing of phrasing mid-sentence, for instance - are him working through his lifelong stutter. We had this exact discussion in 2016, and it's a dying shame that we are having to have this discussion again.
He needs to be *perfect* to have any chance of coming out of this without even more fuel being poured on the fire. "Vice President Trump," despite *knowing* what he was actually saying, is the exact sort of thing the press wants to feast on.
When a bloodthirsty press is hanging on your every word, looking for the smallest gaffe to pounce on like rabid hyenas, you have to be perfect. Joe Biden has not been perfect tonight.
Disavow previous post. We can have nothing good in this world. 😂
it's not $6 any more
I know I can sometimes be hyperbolic on this here World Wide Web and all but whoever at Slack decided to make their "Slack AI" Trial Button look like a message notification needs to be slathered in honey and dangled above a mound of fire ants.