
I'll admit I didn't have 'Reform argue we shouldn't have fought Hitler' on my card for today, but there we are
Especially given how much they went all-in on the D Day stuff
Reform UK: "Rishi Sunak should have shown more respect to our veterans, who were wrong to liberate France from the Nazis"
Again, maximum banter heuristic is Farage and co do just enough damage to push the Tories into total meltdown but without actually winning seats.
Honestly, I'd expect the Reform campaign to go through greater than Tory levels of meltdown once a few of the spicier candidates get noticed by the media.
I don't think they will, mainly because the media won't pay as much attention
I think the Conservative Party supporting media will have a strong vested interest in highlighting some Reform failings.
There's a certain kind of chap who attends WW2 memorabilia fairs and country shows and heritage railway wartime weekends in SS uniform to whom this kind of thing will appeal. You know: disgraced primary school headmasters, GPs struck off for having webcams in their toilets, that kind of lad.
Military enthusiasts warned over 'offensive' Nazi uniforms at wartime weekend Police and bosses at the East Lancashire Railway, which hosts the event, have warned that anyone caught flouting the rules prohibiting Nazi regalia will not be allowed entry
Now I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Sunak made a campaign stop at the railway in question. Bound to be. Oh yes. Incidentally I'm amazed that nobody has made hay out of "SUNAK VISITS NAZI CONTROVERSY STEAM RAILWAY" 'cos it's a good 'un.
Rishi Sunak confident of winning Bury seats in General Election as he visits Rishi Sunak has spoken of his confidence of retaining seats in the North West and in Bury ahead of the General Election in July.
however that picture is of a rather sad guy of course but thats Wehrmacht uniform and we should cont conflate Wehrmacht with SS/Nazi should we ? lets remeber the majority of germans were not Nazi's, the last free elections they got 42% of the vote by memory ?
As noted the railway in question asked Jewish visitors to its wartime weekend if they wouldn't mind dressing up in death camp uniforms.
oh for sure it is totally insensitive and plain headed wrong but I hate to see all Germans in WW2 labelled as nazis ... for me when I see this in the press it is lazy ... ps to declare part of my family perished in what is Ukraine now
Je téléphone à la police
I'm a bun who seizes the chances he gets