
I've read countless legal briefs from racial segregationists and literal white supremacists but I don't I've never seen anything quite as sneeringly stupid as this.
The complaint is here, but it's one of the grossest things I've read in a while so don't read before eating. I suppose I'm lucky that, as a non-TT person, no one is going to misrepresent me as "unqualified Asian gay man" — yet.
Seems like this graph in WaPo should have gone earlier: "The suit includes plaintiffs that it says could be applicants for jobs at any number of universities, which ... gives them standing to sue “any university we want.” None of the professors mentioned in the complaint were aware of the lawsuit."
So they’re still making up hypothetical situations for lawsuits? These plaintiffs COULD BE applicants; did any of them apply and get rejected?
Well, they seem to be actual situations, but they know nothing about the actual details of the cases. Anyway, I've been on search committees in which we've rejected the most "qualified" person on paper because they didn't fit, tanked the interview, or were utter catastrophes in person.
I’d be interested in what “qualified” means because I’ve interviewed and passed on people who look great on paper but are absolute nightmares as people
I would suspect they haven't even done a comparison of CVs, let alone other qualifications.