
It's at least south-curious. The Mason-Dixon line is the northern border of MD There are parts of every region of Maryland as Southern as any part of Virginia.
Folks from Maryland fought on both sides. C'mon the legislature probably would've voted to secede if not for some creative use of the executive branch.
Culturally Maryland today is kind of exactly the same? Like PG/Howard/Montgomery County and maybe Frederick are in line with acela corridor culture but the rest is like Pennsylvania between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh - Alabama without the kudzu.
I think direct historical references to the civil war aren't enough to make a case about Southern-ness in 2024. Maryland probably was the South in 1855, but a lot of stuff has happened since—including not seceding and integration into the northeast megalopolis—that mean it isn't now
Maryland is not just PG/Howard/Montgomery/Frederick. I was born in Virginia but most of my dad's friends in the 90s were from the sticks of Maryland. There are lots of parts of Maryland that are still culturally more aligned with the south than the acela corridor.
I lived in Maryland 11 years ago. I won custody of my oldest kid in Baltimore county court. I have been from Delmarva to the furthest west points in Maryland. In conclusion Maryland is a land of contacts
But the parts with the large majority of the people in them are not the parts that are more Southern so I think that makes it pretty straightforwardly true that Maryland isn't the South
Fwiw I'd say Southern Maryland and Western Maryland are more Southern than not
No they aren’t, dude. Racism isn’t what makes a place Southern, it a culture, and I have seven generations of Texas behind me assuring you that nobody who owns a fucken toboggan and doesn’t have a local style of barebque is Southern.
I grew up in rural central PA, so "Alabama without the kudzu" made me laugh. I've always heard it called Pensyltucky. Our closest neighbor when I was a kid flew the Confederate battle flag over his shed. To your point, some of these boundaries aren't so easily foiled by borders.
Excluding Frederick but including Baltimore City & County, you get 60% of the population, no matter how it looks on a map of land area.