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Miniature #wargamer, Tolkien enthusiast, tea addict. 🇨🇦 🌈
My #wargaming blog:
My gaming con:
Bit of a slog, but finally got through these. Misnamed though, should be titled "Blücher and How He Liberated Germany." It's VERY detailed and dense on the Army of Silesia, Blücher's decision making and how he influenced the course of the war. E.g.: B of Dresden gets barely a page
I had a tradwife. The home cooking and baking was awesome, until treaty obligations forced me to go to war with Hesse-Klumpendorf.
Look at this glorious beautiful beast! Just LOOK AT IT!
A Centurion tank from The Royal Canadian Dragoons crosses a waterway, 1973. 🇨🇦 #TankTuesday LAC 4694259
Slept in my Supertramp t-shirt. Now I want breakfast in America
Slept in my Slayer t-shirt and woke up south of heaven
Some new Support Options for my Bavarians in Sharp Practice #SpreadtheLard
Finished my scratch-built dropship! Grunged it up after trying to get hazard stripes on there. I wanted it to look like House Liao during Operation RAT. Ancient, beaten, bruised, but unbroken. #battletech #mechwarrior #tabletopgaming #tabletop #miniaturepainting #minispainting #paintingminis 1/2
When you think you're settled for the evening, and then your Beloved says "I thought we'd go for ice cream." Well, there's no point to arguing.
Replaying Brequar Manor but this time with "Quar of Command" Defenders Force Morale suffers by continuously rolling 6s on the Bad Things Happen table, & totally collapses when the Caerten is killed by a sniper shot. #SpreadtheLard #Nerdlings #Quar #wargaming #Wargames
Something something Skaven #OldWorld #Warhammer (I thought I had about fifteen or so of these painted. There's 50-odd here and another dozen plus wanting matching bases).
Brequar Manor gets another gun
And yet here we are
“Nothing you think, or say, matters so shut up and vote - or enjoy the camps” is not a stance that should have this much purchase in a representative form of government.
No argument from ne
Refurbishment of the ANZAC force has now reached the Matilda II's. Decided to do them in Caunter, because quite frankly, its the coolest looking camoflauge of the war frankly. #wargaming #toysoliders #desertwar #15mm #flamesofwar
Definitely built on an ancient portal. We better send in the Ghostbusters, or the Slayer, or maybe even Mystery Inc to check it out.
french way cleaners, des moines, iowa, 1980
Got the TT Combat Halfling Windmills for the Quar Downloadable assembly instructions are very vague. Had to keep looking at finished product photo to figure things out
As is only Right and Proper
Sometimes I remember the Grot Mega Tank is not only a thing... but I have one. And that makes me a little happier about the world.
Setting up for tonight's game! Refighting the Assault at Brequar Manor. Not sure if we'll use "Quar of Command" or "Rhyflers Rampant" yet. It would be great if the scenario plays well with both.
We've Peopled, and Done the Things, and now we're home
Daughter cancels plans to come over after work. Wife and I 5 minutes later.
Government should function effectively in the background like white goods. But for the past years it's been like your fridge-freezer noisily demanding attention every 5 mins, switching off for hours at a time, fiddling its definition of 'cold', and eating your food then blaming the washing machine.
Irony is the most common element in the universe.
It really is a weird symmetry that this year the UK elections are the 4th of July and the US elections are the 5th of November.
Not quite as poignant as my last piece, but I'm still quite pleased how this MMg team turned out. All 20mm AB Figures as usual. Pace remains snail like, but hey, it's a hobby, isn't it? #Wargaming #SpreadTheLard #MiniaturePainting #MiniPainting #ScaleModeling #BrailleScale
Retro AF
Yep another Beastman…. What were you expecting? I finally managed to get Gashraks Despoilers and so I’m going to be working my way through them for a while. Really looking forward to adding these to my #theoldworld force. #wtow #warhammer #warhammercommunity
Happy 4th of July to my American friends. Happy Exercising your Democratic Rights Day to my British friends Hope there's cause for fireworks on both sides of the ocean
Testing colour schemes Tartarian Motor Rifles on the left (Vallejo field grey with bronze green kit) Mantovian Landwehr on the right (Tamiya olive green with JA green webbing)
Happy Canada Day, eh? It's a pretty darn nice place to live.