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Iteration & expansion of our mediaforms.
Embodying ourselves amid the digital.
Singing life to the new bodies electric.
To properly become connected together we must devise better forms to commune with the machine & connect w ourselves.

Wasm update is pretty crucial; we are just fleshing out the memory model! Going from running classic single world single process style systems to trying trying trying to figure out how to make a multi-context multi-world beast. github.com/WebAssembly/...
Add Linking.md to provide a better high-level picture of linking · WebAssembly/component-model@fb880cegithub.com Resolves #239
Rather frustrated that Bytecode Alliance seemingly built component-model without any vector for making it work in the browser. They literally ship a SpiderMonkey fork SterlingMonkey to host a wasm in wasm to do run components. github.com/bytecodealli...
GitHub - bytecodealliance/StarlingMonkey: The StarlingMonkey JS runtimegithub.com The StarlingMonkey JS runtime. Contribute to bytecodealliance/StarlingMonkey development by creating an account on GitHub.
Absolutely wrecked last night trying to get Node.js and Deno debugging working in neovim. Hours and hours of trying & floundering, all through the night. Too sad & tired to quit.
I was pretty mad at myself for not getting a better computer last night. Constant horrible page thrashing. But after turning on Auto Tab Suspend, it became pretty usable! Nice.
It really sucks that JavaScript will never get better than promises. We are layering in abort and update and all the rest of the owl in userland.
> *Ultimately, my hope is that the component model can make wasm-bindgen mostly obsolete as soon as possible, so we aren't stuck with all these limitations and resource starvation due to these ridiculously large and complex tools needing a ton of maintenance.* github.com/rustwasm/was...
ok good day for those of you with ebikes. congrats for being outside. anyone outside should have to put in zero effort on this scorcher of a day.
I'd really like some lamps I can put on shelves and angle at things. With some reflector but also some air venting, so I can cram a 54W cornbulb in it. www.amazon.com/Watt-LED-Cor...
I really love all these USB-pd trigger boards, but do any support adjustable current setting? My monitor for example is 20v <1.5a (<30w), but the usb-c to DC barrel jack pigtail - like most of this stuff - asks for a lot more amps. So won't run as much as it should.
New happy #bancho_sushi #BanchiSushi customer! Never new I needed a zen great blue hole diving roguelite. This game is rad. #DaveTheDiver
I wonder if I can send this Ulanzi 60w light back? Even at 10W it's cooling fan is quite noticeable in the room. Not cool.
Have been kind of thinking of *not* running a Kubernetes cluster, just having a single node. An AMD Strix Halo would be sick. Maybe even a laptop that's basically semi-permanently ensconsed.
YouTube Music not having scroll bars for playlists can go jump out an airlock without a space suit.
im willing to hear proponents of other versions control systems out, but only if they spend a lot of the time showing me what the persistence model looks like. what are the data structures?
Why is the Bluesky app so distinctly bad about letting me long tap links to open in new window?
Jfc 98% done trying to get kde6 installed with aptitude and here's the one broken thing collapsing the whole plan, libplasmaquick6 unavailable. Whole effort in the tank.
the very few of trump's sentences that actually meant anything coherent were full on monstrous hitler shit and nobody cares
Man wlroots is underwater. Much as I hate to admit it I'm a bit shook in my #Wayland believerdom. There's just not enough different ventures trying to pack in all the modern features. HDR/color management, input handling, there's too many protocols not moving.
Since I haven't said it in a bit, I'll say it again: by far the world's best option to make programming semi enticing would be to make an EVE server where folks *can* access the client's python interpreter (like folks used to be able to do). Still exciting-ish. www.gamesindustry.biz/hilmar-petur...
Hilmar Pétursson: Making CCP tech open source will enable Eve Online to live foreverwww.gamesindustry.biz CCP Games, the Icelandic developer behind long-running MMO Eve Online, is gearing up to share the keys to its universe.…
Stupid Andis for having their rapid charger not really go non-rapid. Sitting there heating the heck out of these poor batteries... since last afternoon! And silly me for letting it sit there too but ouch.
Mentions of #calvinball seriously trending these past couple days. We have petulant children running the show.
Whatever jerk decided to go make semantic commits & promulgate it on the world, while having it be entirely incompatible with GitHub search, can suck it. Jerk.
Don't even need hypotheticals. For Nixon and Clinton they were confronted with POTUS saying "but I'm POTUS and I don't wanna" and the Court said a polite variant of "sit the fuck down, Mr President, you are not a King". But if you want to overthrow the Republic? "Why, yes, your majesty, go for it"