
This is strictly a hypothetical: if I’m not a Comcast customer, and I cut a Comcast line off my house, do the Comcast cops come or do I just get to carry on living my life
Thanks for all your answers friends, I have since resolved my curiosity, which, I cannot stress this enough, remains just a thought exercise
The Comcast Cops sure didn't care when their lines weren't working correctly, and they either didn't notice, or didn't care when I removed their lines and splitters after when we got a different provider.
Tell me more about your hypothetical mental state. Are you prepossessed with malice?
That’s my secret, I’m always prepossessed with malice
I cut down a cable line to my house once. Nothing happened. 10 years later they put up a new line for me when I ordered internet from them.
It’s not like you’re cutting a telephone conduit to an entire neighborhood (seen it)
Just say it got knocked off by a falling branch in a storm (which is what happened to my unused internet line last month)
I know many folks in LA who have done this with no consequence. If you are not paying for cable or phone, they’re never gonna know / care. But LA is bit of of a sprawling, lawless territory so ymmv depending on where you live
IANAL but I know a guy who’s a Comcast Cop, so maybe?
When I bought my house it included some complicated abatement for the power and telecom poles on the property. I’d need to consult a lawyer on the details, but >99% sure cutting any of the wires is legally bad.
no cutting of wires! Just taking the intact wire down off my house, hypothetically, again
I would just do it. How will they even know?
Employ the Shaggy Doctrine if they ask
I am a lawyer and I kind of did this without checking. I switched to fiber, and remodeled my house, including removing and patching over all the cable outlets/inlets. In my experience, even if a home is already wired, when you order Comcast, they rewire everything anyway.
I believe you are fine so long as you don’t mess with the connection along the street.