
I think a lot of interpersonal conflict specifically in internet spaces also comes from the discomfort of just disliking people. But it’s very normal to dislike people. It’s natural and it is not something you need to examine for it’s morality.
No to be like "kids today", but I do feel like a lot of young people now need to justify their dislike - be that for a person, or a media property - by having a reason it's morally right to do so. It can't be "X TV show sucks", or "I don't like X's vibe" anymore, it's "X is problematic"
black and white thinking is normal for young people, its not just kids today
Oh I know that, I wasn't referring to the black and white thinking being a My Generation thing, just the need to have (or invent) a moral justification for personal dislikes
eh i think people always did that, it just happened behind closed doors instead of on the public internet
also "i dislike this person and here's why" actually serves a purpose beyond sitting someone of their moral superiority (though im sure it is also used for that) it emphasizes *why* you've established this boundary so people respect it nobody wants to hear "aww c'mon they're not THAT bad"
This is certainly true, but outside of the realm of actual abusers, I’ve seen people make moralized justifications that are reachy and more importantly inconsistent. Like “I don’t like Emma, she eats Starbucks” while your best friend Sarah also does that, but “that’s different”
Like I swear it’s ok you can just say you don’t like them on a personal level
yeah but then people will test you like you're an asshole for feeling that way people are actually not at all accepting of these opinions!
also the terminology and ability to look up ammunition has changed so a guy in the 80s didn't like david bowie because he was "faggy" but now it's because he was too into nietzsche and blavatsky during his edgelord esotericism phase
I think the way culture has assessed things has drastically changed as “customer reviews” and media criticism have become a thing but the general idea of commenting or judging various subjects would be very ancient
Also I think there’s been a recent rise in consumption as moral expression where the mode through which people express their values is increasingly tied (or even synonymous) with what they choose to consume. The idea of boycotts not as collective action to elicit a specific response, but a moral act
My most GenX thing is that you all suck, and so do I.
Each generation sucks in new and innovative ways based on the world in which we were born and shaped, but what else is new
I remember being that young know it all. I was so smart it hurt! Now I know better.
Expanding brain meme with the following series of statements: 1. "Everything is black/white" 2. "Everything is shades of grey" 3. "No, sometimes some things really are black/white" 4. "Some things may in fact be black/white, but this particular thing is a shade of grey"
I feel like people get tired of hearing 2 so often that they jump from 3 back to 1, preventing them from ever being able to proceed to 4
sometimes a cigar is just a cigar *deepthroats cigar*