
richard nixon, in hell, giving one last fuck you to the american republic
i think we should see the Trump v. United States ruling as a group of Republican apparatchiks taking their opportunity to vindicate Nixon and write the unitary executive into the Constitution.
Opinion | Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card Is Ready, The Nixonian theory of presidential power is now enshrined as constitutional law.
Terrific piece and sadly dead on.
Does Jim Jordan know that his “Weaponizing the Govt” shtick is now obsolete?
I can see Putin rubbing his hands together saying, “The plan is working!"
Obviously Trump is the more pressing matter, but screw those hacks for trying to retroactively absolve that drunk fascist of any wrongdoing.
But as prophesied, the righteous will rise against him
I just keep thinking of Roger Stone. He must be dancing.
Wherever Gerald Ford is, I bet he's feeling REALLY dumb for pardoning Nixon now Might have cost Ford the 1976 election, and it turns out it wasn't even necessary
Futurama’s Nixon Head in a Jar was a warning ; we were just interpreting the text wrong.
I read Bruce Ackerman's Failures of the Founding Fathers, and I think yesterday should be added to the list. They never imagined a Trump could be elected, and I bet they thought impeachment of a Supreme Court justice could be a reality. They were good with the EC, and each State w 2 Senators.
Been Roger Stone's goal for a half century.
The only thing that softens that thought is that Nixon wouldn't be happy about it, but fuming that some rich Franklin is the one that they gave the power to instead of him, who had to work twice as hard for everything...etc etc
Great article, send it to your family and friends.
Reagan was the image (maybe the self-image): sitting tall in the saddle with a crooked grin, broad-shouldered, rock solid, Hollywood handsome, the Marlboro Man without the smokes. But the mask has dropped. It's been the Party of Nixon all along. They're just free to blatantly embrace it now.
I wish Marc Elias were more active on here - my question I want to ask lawyers is: Assuming we defeat trump, survive his followers' terrorism, and retake the supreme court: How do we override this insane ruling? Do we have to ask Biden to commit a small crime, then charge him?
A Constitutional amendment can override SCOTUS, can't it?
Yes, but that takes years
That was my immediate thought, but I think, especially if Biden wins, you'd get 37 states to sign on to ratify it pdq.
I think you'd get a bunch more some time after that with some smart shoe-on-the-other-foot arguments. All those "if they can do this to Trump they can do it to you" things on a very personal level.
Maybe. Most people think it won't happen to them until it does.
37 seems unlikely, given the number of states that jumped on the ban abortion bandwagon
Oh yeah that definitely. And honestly that might not be that hard. A "the president is not a King" amendment could get enough popular support even in red states that it could get ratified - especially if Biden wins!
Society if LBJ died after Jan 65 but before he could beat Humphrey into submission and Humphrey pulls out of Vietnam and wins in 68
I wrote this less eloquently to a friend yesterday
These people know how to hold a grudge
Biden should just say that he's decided, as part of his official duties, to completely ignore the court's Chevron decision. As well as everything else.