
I appreciate a good sympathetic reading, but ultimately you will not change the people who insist that Trump is a more honest choice for progressives. that's because the whole motive there is punitive--not about the slow, often demoralizing work of activism so much as sticking it to Joe Biden.
I mention this mostly because I sometimes feel I'm going crazy on here! but truly, the impulse to somehow punish Democrats by ushering in Trump is just another way of cosplaying for the so-called revolution that will only ever exist online in quarreling leftist forums.
I have been pummeled by people here who are telling me that instead of voting for one of the two viable choices on the ballot, I should be working to restructure society. Im 67 and have been at that for a bit . While I applaud the optimism that thinks we can do it by November; not gonna happen.
No offense, but if you’ve been doing this for a while and your strategy has been largely ineffective while everything has continually gotten worse, don’t you think that calls for a fundamental reevaluation instead of doubling down?
No offense, but if all you leftists, especially young ones, actually voted at the same rate as older, more conservative people instead of cosplaying at some magical revolution things would be worlds better. You want change, push for it how and where it matters.
lol from Kentucky, one of the most heavily gerrymandered states in the nation.
Senator isn't subject to gerrymandering and neither is President. If you're not aware, the Dems wrote and passed (in the house) a voting rights act that would ban partisan gerrymandering. Just need enough Senators willing to break the filibuster for it. Not easy, not impossible.
If you can elect a Democratic governor, you can elect a Democratic senator. Maybe even a president.
Then it’s purely a coincidence that the richest man in Congress just so happens to be the longest serving member of Congress AND consistently among the most hated, and we’re just not voting hard enough?
After having lived in Dallas for 30 years, is instantly intelligible to me. 😂
Oh we can absolutely get into why Mitch McConnell has been Senator since before I was born and why the least popular politician in Washington is our other Senator because gerrymandering isn’t the ONLY way to take and keep power here.
For sure. My junior senator may challenge yours for least popular, but point taken.
We just gotta remember that tens of millions of people’s votes just do not matter. It’s sad but it’s 100% true.
Doesn’t have to be that way, but yes.
No no, it really doesn’t. Rest assured our suffering is purposeful and with bipartisan support.