J. D.

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J. D.


J.D. et cetera. Chicago/ish. The court-going kind of lawyer.

Don't blame me for the famous elder millennials. I've thought they sucked since grade school.
1. Kudos to Reuters for linking the opinion. 2. This case is an easy, straightforward application of Wickard and Raich, and this opinion is hot, messy gibberish. I doubt even this SCOTUS is tempted to overturn Raich. No way Martha Ann wants pot grown all over the neighborhood.
New: Trump-appointed Judge Mark Pittman in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon at home. www.reuters.com/legal/govern...
US ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, Texas judge ruleswww.reuters.com A federal judge in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon for their personal consumption.
Five tweets in a row and every single one has some fundamentally wrong factual premise. The internet is not a mirror of society, and much of our annoyance with it comes from for-profit enterprises cynically exploiting the differences with non-internet society for power and money.
Trump's ability to be economically stupid is unmatched.
There's like 10 red flags. Here's one obvious one and one potential second problem in one screenshot. This isn't even a close call from a statistics standpoint. The market for polling news is the only reason anyone looks past these fatal defects.
I cited this just yesterday but what the hell it's freedom fries day:
The wild west, but not 100% sure relative to what starting point:
RIP to Donald Sutherland, a man who helped make *Warren Beatty* so jealous he flew across the ocean to throw a fit.
Can't have a mid life crisis if you've never bothered leaving a crisis state.
I am tired of memes about Millennials. Older Millennials are at or nearing 40. We have back pain. Soon we will qualify for jokes about mid-life crises, except we were also the generation who had quarter-life crises.
Apologies only if this one's been done already.
I'm neutral on Taylor Swift but you can't buy your way into A-list musician status and there has yet to be a major pop star who isn't also a natural marketing expert. Daddy's banker money can do a lot of things, but it doesn't do either of those two.
This is a non-apology by antisocial twits who don't understand the harm they caused.
“While teaching a class to high school students on Wednesday, Burlington police officers staged a surprise demonstration in which a masked gunman burst into the room and pretended to open fire.”
Burlington Police Terrified High School Students With Mock Shootingm.sevendaysvt.com Updated at 2:31 p.m. While teaching a class to high school students on Wednesday, Burlington police officers staged a surprise demonstration in which a masked...
Oh yeah, Kelly, the cops just love 21 year old supercar drivers who shoot off illegal fireworks if they flash a pride flag. Eat a hot wet bucket.
My favorite character in this one was Oildepan Mas.
The defense when you get your case dismissed with prejudice on every count and pay the other side's fees and you say something dumb like "but it's like the game hasn't started yet!":
I am asking for either audio or a transcript, because the gif alone doesn't actually prove anything. A case dismissed is not the same as a case lost. Losing is like when two teams play, and one gets less points. A case getting dismissed is like the game getting cancelled before it even starts.
Live look at the plaintiff's bar reading this article:
Personalized pricing—a tailored price based on each individual's willingness to pay—has been an economist's dream. Comprehensive data collection and customer isolation brings it closer to a disturbing reality, as I write for our special pricing issue:
One Person One Priceprospect.org Digital surveillance and customer isolation are individualizing the prices we pay.
It's a stiff competition for who had the most pathetic response to yesterday's events, but don't write off Mike Lee! Only eight signatures on this bad boy!
Free Speech for Me; Compulsory Association with Perverts for Thee!
Found a picture of the guy who wrote this asinine article/poll:
I am literally going to go insane
Dangerous levels of Copium being inhaled on the other site. (It does not, in fact, make a legal difference if the warrant is based on the kids telling the authorities or a mandatory reporter telling the authorities).
This is the best photo they could find to illustrate that argument in the Complaint. I sort-of see where they're coming from with the last stripe being almost the background color, but there's obviously at least 4 stripes on the pants and the shirt is clearly a 4+ stripe gradient.
Can't be too empathetic with suffering peoples in your word choice at a nominally Jesuit university because woke.
LLMs are working exactly as intended. That Google's CEO thinks there's some "unsolved problem" here that isn't simply "we picked the wrong tool" (which is super-solvable) is funny, sad, and a sign the company is very much deeply boned. LLMs are a plagiarism tool, not a knowledge retrieval tool.
Hot take, but, natalism opinions aside, a guy who doesn't believe women should have rights and who believes a 1.3 fertility rate with modern medicine leads to halving the population should probably not be reproducing at all.
Reforming the police in any meaningful sense is going to require them to realize that vibes are not, in fact, empirical evidence. Sincerely believing a murder happened on this fact pattern should be cause to disqualifying you from policing because you are a dangerous combo of arrogant and gullible.
Hope Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi are enjoying this somewhere and somehow. Come to think of it, this is probably the only picture of his that's ever excited a woman.
Media reporting about this public misunderstanding:
Harris Poll: 56% of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession--and most blame Biden: 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year (up ~24% in 2023 & >12% this yr) 49% believe unemployment at a 50-yr high (it's been under 4%, a near 50-yr low). 📈sociology polisky
Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Bidenwww.theguardian.com Exclusive Harris poll for the Guardian shows 55% believe economy is shrinking, in troubling sign for president’s re-election bid
US: Allegedly superior civil liberties but if the local prosecutor charges you, it's probably a $500 loss best case scenario. UK: Allegedly crappier civil liberties but the bill for your hilarious mischief is like a whopping $100.