
it is wild how in a few short years since this shit went from niche novelty to mainstream your eye develops an instant ability to pick out all the unnatural hallmarks all these images harbor and induce a subtle sense of revulsion. people who fear ai artwork taking over underrate this
AI generated "photos" have the weird sheen and feel of Jehovah's Witness pamphlet art.
makes me think of this:
I love that a lot as a campfire story but I can’t buy in as a real reason we subconsciously hate it considering the staggering amount of other things we also subconsciously hate
it's more that we evolved to process a shit ton of information from people's facial expressions and whatnot when things are off we notice it because it doesn't fit within that processing that we're doing all the time
Exactly. We have no idea how much our brain is preprocessing. Same thing with the feeling of being watched. Your brain is picking up audio and visual signals that you are not and which evolved over millions of years of not being eaten to extinction by other things.
this theory has the smell of evo-psych bullshit
It’s spooky but the explanation I’ve heard which makes sense is “corpse aversion”
entirely possible this is a uniquely american thing but there is a paranoia of being swindled that undermines just about all of our commerce and marketing, so I think shoving images that set off gigantic red flags for a swindle into the headliner quietly hits a third rail
With all the dozens of different semi-human species running around long ago, there were probably hybrids between us and the other species that didn't do very well.
Evopsych is generally crap, but the explanation here is pretty straightforward. We're violent, tribal predators with a history of near cannibalism descended from other violent, tribal predators with a history of near cannibalism. Being good at pattern recognition and being able to differentiate 1/
between something within your tribe and something outside of your tribe at a glance is a valuable skill and one that is likely to be built into animals that are very good at pattern recognition but don't have especially sharp vision. It's the same hardware/software combination that makes racism. 2/
Like, it's becoming increasingly clear that humans and neanderthals likely both intermarried and ate one another until one of us disappeared. Chimpanzees are often AWFUL to one another. The history of first contact scenarios within our species is pretty bad. We're the things we grew to fear. 3/3
Lines up with thoughts I've had about the cannibalism taboo being primarily about social cohesion and not "human meat yucky"
The cannibalism taboo is... not particularly taboo. Lots of cultures around the world ate humans on a regular basis. Even Europeans ingested ground-up Egyptian mummies (and sometimes other corpses) as medicine for several centuries.
There's no taboo against murder because murder exists all over the world, got it.
Hell, there's signs of specific adaptations in our biology to survive it.
although the sharp vision thing is wrong. Humans have some of the best distance vision on the planet, except for a couple of species of bird.
Interesting, I did not know that. Is our close vision also unusually sharp or is it specifically something about distance?
makes sense given our species had to fight our way out of a dogpile of now-extinct Hominids
That is a lot of pictures of Ron Pearlman