
It’s unimaginable to me that anyone can survive a Texas summer without AC at this point. It’s not just uncomfortable it’s a massive health risk.
What’s really awful…last year the governor signed a bill making it illegal for any municipalities to mandate water breaks for outdoor workers…including prison guards
The city of Austin tried to mandate 15 minute water breaks, how dare they even try said State legislators
Yeah…. This is one of many reasons ATX is no longer quite the blue bubble people thought it was. It’s interesting to see the housing market this summer in my neighborhood. A lot for sale, lots sitting and prices dropping substantially.
Yeah. The whole "state says the city isn't allowed to protect people within it" thing with masks is part of what solidified my decision to detach entirely from Texas. I love a lot of things about Austin, but... it's still under that authority.
(And yeah the house we sold this spring in Austin went for a /lot/ less than it would've two years ago. But we priced it to move, and it moved, which was more important.)
I have been really interested in the housing market in my general area. A lot of ppl are trying to get a lot more than they paid 4-5 years ago, not grasping that in TX it’s a buyer’s market now. But ppl are cutting prices so clearly want to sell.