Sarah Breau

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Sarah Breau

Expat, working parent, and volunteer in Austin TX. Quietist. I'm interested in climate change, immigrant stories, minorities, poverty, and women's issues. I'd like to make my community a safer and more welcoming place for everyone.
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I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
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one of the most dishonest things people in my profession do is pretend as if “the story” and “the narrative” isn’t something they have direct control over
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what if we have a little moratorium on publishing the opinions of adult converts to Catholicism in the American news media, just for a year or two
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I know it is useless to argue with these people, which is why I block them immediately instead.
Blocking everyone who comes into my mentions to say that we should vote third party or not vote at all does wonders for my sanity
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Must be nice to have choices
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Other wealthy democracies: Bad leader? Have a vote of no confidence and toss them out. U.S.: You're stuck with this guy for at least four years no matter what. It's called freedom.
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A few years ago, Jon Lovett floated a theory that media treats Democrats like protagonists - to be challenged, accounted, and forced to be behave in growth-oriented ways - while the GOP are treated like antagonists - immutable, expected to disrupt, thematic obstacles. Thinking about that a lot.
I don’t recall the NYT calling for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 counts of fraud and being called by a judge at his civil trial a rapist in the common person sense
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Trump, Who Incited Insurrection After Losing In 2020, Refuses To Say He Will Accept Outcome of 2024 Election there's your fucking headline.
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I'm gonna be real: pro-life folks aren't alarmed by this. They see it as giving every "baby" a miracle chance at survival vs. 100% "fatality." They don't factor in emotional suffering of parents, physical risks of the mother, pain and suffering of the baby, hospital costs, time off work, lost wages.
New data from Texas shows a possible consequence of abortion bans: a rise in infant mortality. In 2022, after a six-week abortion ban took effect, deaths of infants before their first birthdays increased 13%, driven by birth defects, an analysis showed.
In Texas, Infant Mortality Rose After Abortion A study points to fatal birth defects as a driver in the increase in infant deaths.
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instead of saying a snarky thing i will say this i am grateful for the commitment, resilience, and creativity of people who survive and thrive, whether by choice or for lack of it, in geographies where the politicians and gov'ts we didn't vote for are trying to terrorize, demean, and kill us
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these assholes are going to start a resource war
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It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
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When I die I hope the paper of record calls me unfuckable.
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"I'm still on Twitter because it's the only site where I have a huge following and I need to get my journalism out there" Skill issue; be better
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The problem isn't that AI can do your job (it can't). The problem is management thinks AI can do your job.
The NYT laying off half it’s art dept as they ramp up the use of A.I. tools is 100% related to UArts closing due to a “steep drop in enrollment.” Regardless of A.I.’s actual capabilities the story being told to (and accepted by) business leaders is damaging the perceived value of the visual arts.
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They’re not “gifts.” They’re bribes. Clarence Thomas took $4 million in bribes from billionaires. Everyone understands this, and yet he still holds a lifetime position as one of the most powerful people in our country. Unrig the Supreme Court.
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democracy dies in the hands of billionaires
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Breau
imagine being a reporter at the wall street journal and knowing your parent company is working as hard as it can to get the guy elected who is callously working to keep your colleague in Russian prison in a treasonous plot to gain an electoral advantage
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Other countries have safety nets. The US has women. Their labor creates the illusion of a DIY society, making it seem like we don't need a net. Writing HOLDING IT TOGETHER was a labor of love and fury and I'm so grateful to share it with you all #PubDay
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Dems: it's fine that every single news outlet is run by conservatives also Dems: why doesn't our messaging break through?
NEW: Daily Beast editor in chief Tracy Connor is stepping down, according to a staff memo from CEO Ben Sherwood. Hugh Dougherty, formerly of NYPost, Daily Mail, Telegraph, will be the new executive editor. (via Max Tani, Semafor)
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I'm still not over that this happened last year and it's had absolutely zero bearing on our political landscape and no one ever mentions it anymore
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in 2016, when Trump voters were being called racist, these guys all mobilized to say Trump’s appeal was all about the economic alienation of the white working class. then the data came out and oops, no, it was actually racism
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I don’t think it’s anyone’s duty to personally observe the heinous images coming out of Rafah right now but I do wish U.S. TV did fewer panel discussions debating “free speech” on college campuses and gave Americans a more honest accounting of the war crimes our government funds every single day.
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The main thing to understand about abortion ban exceptions do not exist. They are ornamental. They’re like plastic fruit. They are not meant to be used, they’re just there to make the ban look reasonable.
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I hope people understand that what we are seeing is the systematic destruction of the civil war amendments by the Supreme Court, which are what made America and actual democracy and upon which all minority rights in the United States rely
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Low level government employee: fuck, they’re gonna figure out I accepted this free chicken wing Alito: today I put strobe lights on my confederate flag