
Let's be clear, when mayors say they want to ban masks for "safety", they couldn't care less about public safety. What the mean is they want to see faces for surveillance purposes. They care about criminalizing your right to protest not your health or safety.
If they cared about your health and safety they wouldn’t be banning masks during an ongoing pandemic that continues to cause Long Covid health issues and disable people.
To save time and money, big sunglasses also work. 😎
Guess what they'll block next?
I wouldn't want to poke the juggalo hornets nest.
I don't think the fascists promoting these ideas are smart or forward-looking enough to realize that. Let's hope they do.
Somehow they managed to outsmart Facial Recognition AI but still can't work out how them damn magnets work 😔 One day
If they want to criminalize my right to protest, I might as well make it official, by showing up with a gun and defending the protest if they try to break it up. Peace is merely the option of FIRST resort. "Diplomacy by any other means" aka armed riots are the fallback, maybe they need a reminder?
After all, if it's truly fascists behind all this, the #1 cure to fascism is lead poisoning, of the high velocity variety. Worked wonders in WWII. If the need arises, it shall do so again.
Masks don't kill people, guns do.