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I’m old. It’s a loooooong time until November. Keep doing the things that can help. Some of them will help. I fed like I PERSONALLY for Rev Warnkock elected in GA because I wrote postcards for him Objectively I know that is not true, but it sure felt good to do something that could be of aid. 😉😁
Lord, so many typos sorry.
In a mask we have: 1. Gone to Europe twice 2. Driven across the US 4 times 3. Gone to museums, exhibitions. 4. Eaten (outdoors) in fabulous restaurants 5. Gone shopping 6. Gone to clubs and classes Wearing a mask is not a death knell to fun. It’s a key to a full life. Still Novid AFAIK.
Two babies, also through a window screen.
I have a mantra Once is an oopsie Twice is a tragedy Three times is a design element.
I was reading on my back deck which is up against some woods. Mama and four kits amble up. Mama sees me, startles and growls!! And hisses! Don’t mess with Mama. 🦝
You do the Things so that your mind does not have to think about the other Thing, but meanwhile your background mind is busy working out all you need to know about the Thing. While you finish all the Thjngs. Win/Win.
And that eventually it will make the difference between life and death for them. People love to think that they are special. No one is all that special in the face of an authoritarian regime.
The latest cover of the New Yorker:
People don’t understand that if Trump got licked down it woulda been way worse for all of us in the immediacy. He isn’t the one that was kissed by god in that moment, it was us man.
Nobody has a network like a grandma who has spent five years saying “Oh, they’re so adorable” about other people’s grandkids. Those connections are baked in.
Wait for the Evangelical interpretations.
This is why I am sewing, knitting, and painting up a storm. Plus washed all the deck furniture. Plus made strawberry jam…
I personally, as someone in my late sixties, am furious that decades were spent putting responsibility on individuals. It’s corporate policies enabled by permissive laws. One good regulation would do more than sixty billion paper straws.
Am I the only one who thinks that everything in Trump’s past behavior indicates that he would be huddling under the podium after that shooting? He was just so intent on pumping his fist and getting a photo op. I don’t know what to think about it, except that people died and Trump is damn lucky.
Am I the only one who thinks that everything in Trump’s past behavior indicates that he would be huddling under the podium after that shooting? He was just so intent on pumping his fist and getting a photo op. I don’t know what to think about it, except that people died and Trump is damn lucky.
I searched “use laptop while flat on back” and a number of options came up. I’ve had back issues for years. As an Interior Designer I have been known to consult with clients (who I knew well) while flat on my back on the floor. Needs must. 😉 Hope you feel better!
Also maybe tell your kids not to post violent shit right now. The things my kid is telling us people are posting are wild, and I’m assuming they are just the tip of the iceberg.
just popping in to say that federal court judges have no humor whatsoever, and while that joke may be hilarious, maybe just don’t post it
I thought I read that too! Hopefully will hit here on the West Coast first
Linen ankle length pants. Flax makes some great ones. $$ but mine are going on 15 years old.
And now can we please talk about ‘It’s the End of the World as We Know It?’
I’m impressed your’e doing socks with a pattern! Mine are just plain ol’ socks, but nice in snuggly during Seattle winters.
I reduce the toes down to about 10-12 stitches across. Then I put the stitches on a stitch holder, turn the sock inside out, put it back in the needles and do a three needle bind off. Smooth enough for our purposes. Avoids Kitchener.