Jenny with the Axe

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Jenny with the Axe

Infosec/IT-sec, unix, fandom, polyamorous wiccan, horse rider, cat owner, making things out of yarn
They believe in a bastardized version of Christianity that’s reverse engineered from their biases. It does not teach compassion but gives them permission to judge people they don’t like and punish them for deviations from conservative norms. It has never been rooted in service to others
ME: "The sous vide didn't beep." SANDRA: "It's flaky that way" ME: "It does fine if the temp is set to 144.1, or 144.3, or 144.5. You set it for 144.2" SANDRA: "Oh. Okay." ME: "You know what this means, right?" SANDRA: "It's working now?" ME: "No, what it MEANS." SANDRA: ... ME: "IT CAN'T EVEN."
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DID YOU KNOW: A very loud vampire is also known as a Noiseferatu. They’re called this because they are often known to take soundbites from their victims. 🙃
AI company: we trained this dog to talk. It doesn’t actually understand language, but it kinda sounds like it’s having a conversation by mimicking the sound of human speech. CEO: awesome, I’ve fired my entire staff, how quickly can it start diagnosing medical disorders
"If enforcing gender norms requires a constant state of surveillance and censorship then they probably aren't as biological or innate as you think they are."
—I’m sure I remember that the word “gaslighting” once had a more specific meaning than just “Offering a different interpretation” or even just “simple disagreement”? As I recall it once meant something more precise? —No, you’re crazy; there was never any such time; you’re imagining things again
Reading T. Kingfisher horror is like being at a séance and not realizing your chair is a mimic. Like yes, there’s a spooky scary ghost but that’s not the scariest bit.
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